Thursday, April 9, 2020

Boredom Busters: DIY Board Games

Hello all,

We are temporarily reviving our Children's Blog to provide some resources for families who are stuck at home during this period of social distancing due to COVID-19. We will put together a variety of activities for you and your families every day at 1:00 pm. Watch for weekend Boredom Busters on Saturday and/or Sunday. See which ones you can do, and if you get the chance, share the results with us on any of our social media platforms, which will be listed at the bottom of this blog.

Today's theme is DIY Board Games!


You can use just about any materials or designs for this game. You can use regular playing cards and match numbers. You can draw your own shapes/images and glue them onto cut-out squares. The possibilities are endless!

Rain and Rainbow:

This game is similar to Snakes and ladders. You can print out the template, or use the idea to create your own theme.

Lego Chess:

This is such a creative twist on an old classic! Pull out the Lego and see what kind of chess set you can create!

Need help teaching your child (or yourself) to play chess? Here's a handy guide!

Shapes and Colours Printable:

This is an easy printable board game. To put this together, you'll need:

- Cardstock
- Scissors
- Glue Gun
- Game pieces (from any board game)

Hopefully these activities help break up the day and get your engaging in board game fun!

If your kids loved these activities, feel free to send us feedback or pictures on any of our social media platforms, linked below.

Library staff are available by phone (403-887-2130) or email Monday-Friday, 9:00 am 5:00 pm.

You can access all of our digital materials (eBooks, eAudiobooks, and more) through our website. If your membership is expired, or you need a membership, call us at 403-887-2130 and we can help.  