Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Semaine 5: Imagination

Semaine 5 :Imagination

Livres :

Que se passe-t-il dans la salle des profs? Par Jerry Pallota. Cette livre est vraiment drôle, le garçon dans ce livre a une imagination très grand. 

Le deuxième livre qu’on à lire est Je ne lirai pas ce livre par Cece Meng. Ça c’est un autre bon livre!

Bricolages :

Pour le bricolage ont à crée un château. Pour crée notre château ont à utiliser le papier de construction, les ciseaux et de colle.

Jeux :

Après notre bricolage ont à jouer un jeu qui s’appelé imagine. Pour le jeux les enfants doit mettre dans les différents groupes pour être un dragon, une licorne, ou une princesse.

 Collation :

Pour la collation ont à manger les oranges, les pommes, les carottes, et de cèleri.  

Friday, July 27, 2018

Week 4 7-8: Express Yourself

Week 4
Ages 7-8
Express Yourself


Naked Mole Rat Gets Dressed by Mo Willems. Naked mole rats make for some funny characters. The moral of the story here is don't be afraid to be different! 
The next book we read was The Cranky Ballerina by Elise Gravel,  which has the moral of find something that makes your heart happy! 
 The final book we read was Frank was a Monster who wanted to Dance by Keith Graves. This was a silly book about expressing yourself no matter what others think! 


For our craft today we made torn paper self-portraits. To make these we used a piece of colored construction paper to be our background. With various other colors we tore them up and glued them on the background to form our portrait. This was an interesting craft some of the kids absolutely loved this craft, while others found it difficult to let their craft be messy!


For our game today we played express yourself TAG! To play this game assign one person to be it. If you're tagged by the person that's it then you must stop where you are and perform a silly dance or sing a silly song. After that you are allowed to run around freely. 


For our snack we had oranges, and watermelons. 

Week 4 2-6: Express yourself

Week 4
Ages: 2-6
Express Yourself 


Naked Mole Rat Gets Dress by Mo Willems complimented our theme perfectly. All the mole rats are naked except one who decides to go against the norm and wears clothes! 
Another book we read was Be Who You Are by Todd Parr. This book has a great lesson of being who you are no matter what! 
Another book we read was The Cranky Ballerina by Elise Gravel, this was a great book at finding out what lights your fire! 


For our craft we made our very own sculptures! To make this craft we used foam cups, pipe cleaners, feathers, buttons, and foam stickers! There is no right way to do this craft so get creative and express yourself. 


For our snack we had watermelon, carrots and celery. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Week 4 9-12: Express Yourself

Week 4
Ages 9-12
Express Yourself 


My Brother is a Big Fat Liar by James Patterson. This was a fun book, a lot of the kids could relate to this book who had siblings! 
Another book that I read with the first group was Judy Blume's Going, Going, Gone! with the Pain & the Great One. This was another great book to do with sibling rivalry. It was fun to see some of the siblings in the group give each other looks over the table at each other as I was reading the book. 


Since our theme was express yourself, we did some finger painting, and some painting with the brushes as well. The kids were so creative and it was very cool to see what they come up with! 


For our snack we had watermelon, oranges, and carrots. 

Semaine 4: Exprimez-vous

Semaine 4 :

Livres :

Petit Paul par Ashley Spires, cette histoire va très bien avec notre thème cette semaine parce-que cette pirate n’est pas le stéréotypé pirate. Ils s’expresse dans les façons diffèrent que les autres pirates.

Bricolages :

Pour le bricolage ont à faire un autoportrait. Pour faire notre autoportrait ont a utilisé le fil, les buttons, les feutres, et les colles.

Jeux :

Après notre bricolage ont à jouer un vite ronde de téléphone. Après ont à jouer téléphone ont à jouer un jeu de TAG ou le sol façon que tu peux être libre est si tu faire un drôle danse ou chantez une chanson.

 Collation :

Pour la collation ont à manger le melon d’eau, et les carottes.  

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Week 3 7-8: Magic

Week 3
Ages 7-8


The Magic Word by Mac Barnett, this book was pretty silly. The kids enjoyed seeing all the things the character did with the magic word. 

The Magic Rabbit by Annette LeBlanc Cate. This was another great book that went along nicely with our theme. It was a cute book about the friendship between a magician and his bunny. 


For our craft today we made magic wands. To make our magic wands we used colored popsicle sticks, assorted colors of paper, stickers, and paper shape punches. To make the wand the kids had to cut out a shape for the top of their wand, and then they could use whatever stickers, or shapes, they wanted to decorate their wands. 


For our snack today we had celery, and trail mix (cheerios, chocolate chips, raisins, and pretzels). 

Week 3 2-6: Magic

Week 3
Ages 2-6

Books we read: 

The Magic Word by Mac Barnett. What a fun book we had so much fun saying the magic word: ALAKAZOOMBA! 
The Magic Hat by Mem Fox. Oh The Magic Hat, what a truly magical book that has some funny characters in it.


For our craft today we made unicorn puppets. Material needed for this craft was brown paper bags, variety of colors of construction paper for ears and horn, googly eyes, scissors, glue, and markers. 


For our snack today we had snack mix (cheerios, raisins, and teddy bear crackers), and celery. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Week 3 9-12: Magic

Week 3
Ages 9-12


We read the first chapter of a book by Roald Dahl called the Magic Finger. It was about a girl who could do magic just by pointing her finger! It went along very well with our magic themed week. 


For our craft today we made magic tubes. We were able to be magicians with this craft. Materials needed were tape, construction paper, scissors and ribbon. 


For our game today we played the sneaky magician. To play this game choose one child to be the magician. The child who is the magician must place an object close to them (we used a small ball). The magician must sit in the middle and keep their eyes closed. All the other players must act as thieves. The thieves are trying to steal the ball from the magician only one thief at a time may attempt to steal. The magician must sense with their eyes closed if a thief is near. The magician must stay seated as the thieves attempt to steal. The magician can tag people with their hands. If a thief is tagged they then return to their spot. If a thief is successful they become the next sneaky magician. 


For our snack today we had apples, carrots and snack mix (chocolate chips, cheerios, pretzels, and raisins). 

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Semaine 3: Magique

Semaine 3:
Le Magique

Livres : 

Lili-Rouge et le gros méchant lion par Alex T. Smith ; texte français d'Hélène Pilotto. Il n’avait pas de magique dans cette histoire. Mais c’est un conte de fée et je pense que les conte de fée ont de le magique! 

Bricolages : 

Pour le bricolage on faire un lapin dans un chapeau magique. Pour faire ces bricolages tu besoin un modelé d’un chapeau magique, and aussi un modèle lapin blanc. Nous avons colle le lapin sur un bâton de pop sicle et on a aussi coupe un trou dans le chapeau magique. Alors le lapin peut regarder comme il saute du chapeau. 

Jeux : 

Après notre bricolage ont à jouer un vite ronde de téléphone. 

Collation : 

Pour la collation ont à manger les pommes, mélange de collation, et le céleri. 

Monday, July 16, 2018

Week 2 2-6: Nature

Week 2
Ages: 2-6


We read some really great books this week! Here are the books we read!
Sunrise, Moonrise by Betsy Thompson. We had lots of fun doing actions, and sounds for all the different animals in this book!

Hello Humpback! by Roy Vickers and Robert Budd. What a great book! The art work in this book was phenomenal! 

Another book we read was One Eagle Soaring by Roy Henry Vickers and Robert Budd, a great counting book with lots of fun animals. 


For our craft this week we made cheerio bird feeders. Material used were pipe cleaners, and cheerios! This was a great craft, as most the kids could do it all on their own.  


For snack this week we had carrots, and bananas. 

Week 2 7-8: Nature

Week 2
Ages 7-8


Since our theme was nature I thought it would be a good idea to read some books about people doing research in nature. The first book we read was Shark Lady: The True Story of How Eugenie Clark Become the First Most Fearless Scientist by Jess Keating. This was a great book how you should never make assumptions about something before you know the whole truth.
The second book we read was Compost Stew An A to Z Recipe for the Earth by Mary McKenna Siddals. This was a fun book that gave some ideas on all the things you could put in a compost. 
The final book we read was Me...Jane by Patrick McDonnel. This was another book about reasearch in the animal field. This one was about Jane Goodall, it was a great way to end our nature themed storytime. 


For our craft this week we made birds nests. To make the birds nest we used paper plates (cut in half), paper shavings, googly eyes, feathers, construction paper (to be the birds), and glue. 


For our game this week we players berries and bears. To play this game there is one person who is a bear, that person stands in the middle. All the other people are berries. The bears are trying to eat the berries. If a berry is tagged by a bear, they then become a bear. The final berry is the winner and they then become the bear that starts the game and the cycle continues. There is a start and finish line that the berries must cross. 


For our snack today we had bananas, and carrots. 

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Semaine 2: La Nature

Semaine 2 :
La Nature

Livres : 

STELLA fée des forets par Marie Louise Gay
Cette livre a beaucoup de diffèrent image de la nature dedans.

Le deuxième livre que on a lit est C'est L’été par Jimmy Pickering. Il y a beaucoup de chose dans cette livre qui représente les choses qui arrive dans l’été. 

Bricolages : 

Pour le bricolage on a fait un jardin avec des buttons. Les matériaux que on a besoin pour ces bricolages est le papier de construction, le papier blanc, les buttons, les feutres, le colle, le corde, et les ciseaux. 

Jeux : 

Après notre bricolage ont à aller dehors pour jouer un jeu. On a joué ‘bée et ours’ pour jouer cette jeu il y a un ours a le milieu de champs et toutes les autres personnes sont les bée. Les ours sont entrain de trapper les bée. Ci un ours attrape un bée. Le bée devient un ours. Quand tout le monde est un ours le jeu est fini. 

Collation : 

Pour la collation ont à manger les pommes, et les carottes. 

Week 2 9-12: Nature

Week 2
Ages: 9-12


We read Just a Dream by Chris Van Allsburg. It was a great book about thinking about sustainability for the future, and what the future might look like if we don't take care of the earth now. 

For the second group we read a bit of a book called Wolf Island by Ian McAllister and Nicholas Read. Which is about a wolf in the Great Bear Rainforest who decides to go off on his own in hopes of starting his own clan.


For our craft we made owls. Materials needed for this craft are an owl template, construction paper, scissors.


For the first group of the week we didn't have very nice weather for we played a nature themed game of telephone. For the second group of the week we got lucky with a beautiful summers day so we played a capture the flag style game which we called robins VS foxes. 


Bananas, and carrots. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Week 1 2-6: Superheroes

Week 1:
Ages: 2-6


Dylan the Villain by K.G. Campbell
What a fun book! The kids thought this book was pretty great. We practiced our evil laughs while reading this book. It was a nice change to what you would normally expect to read in a superhero themed storytime. 

Eliot Jones Midnight Superhero by Anne Cottringer
This was another good book. It had lots of different characters and was packed with humor! It went along nicely as a contrasting book to Dylan the Villain. 

The final book we read was The Day I Lost My Superpowers by Kris Di Giamcomo and Micheal Escoffier. This was a fun book about imagining that you have superpowers and that other people in your family might have superpowers too. 

Craft: Popsicle Stick Superhero!


 Construction paper cut into triangles for cape, and rectangles for mask, googly eyes, glue, markers, and colored Popsicle sticks. 


For one day of the 2-6 group it was too cold to go outside so we stayed inside and sang some action songs. For the two other days it was nice out so we went outside and played "red light, green light", and "what time is it Mr.Wolf?"


Apples, and carrots. 

Week 1 7-8: Superheroes!

Week 1
Ages 7-8


Dylan the Villain by K.G. Campbell
What a fun book! The kids thought this book was pretty great. We practiced our evil laughs while reading this book. It was a nice change to what you would normally expect to read in a superhero themed storytime. 

Eliot Jones Midnight Superhero by Anne Cottringer
This was another good book. It had lots of different characters and was packed with humor! It went along nicely as a contrasting book to Dylan the Villain. 

The final book we read was The Day I Lost My Superpowers by Kris Di Giamcomo and Micheal Escoffier. This was a fun book about imagining that you have superpowers and that other people in your family might have superpowers too. 

Craft: Superhero Masks

Materials: Foam paper, elastic string, scissors, markers, and stickers!
To make this craft I traced a mask template on the foam paper for all the kids. They them had to cut out the mask and decorate it. I used the elastic string to ensure that it stayed on their heads. I cut to holes on each side of that mask that tied the string on. This was a fun craft it was great to see all the different masks that came out of it! 


We played a game called Superhero VS Villains. To play this game I had two children in the middle who would be the villains and the rest of the kids would be the superheroes. The villains were trying to tag the superheroes which would then turn the heroes into villains. There was a start and end line. If a superhero got tagged before they reached the end line that is when they would become a villain. In order to begin a round the villains must yell "SUPER, SUPER, VILLAIN, VILLIAIN!" The superhero who got tagged last would become the starting villain for the next round. 


Carrots, and apples. 

Week 1 9-12: Superheroes!

Week 1
Ages 9-12


A few poems from Shel Silverstein

Anthology of Amazing Women 
By: Sandra Lawrence 
This was a great book, it had some wonderful role models in it. 

Judy Blume’s Fudge-a-mania
This book is pretty funny, I read the first chapter of it. Hopefully I hooked some participants and they will read it on their own! 

Craft: Superhero Trading Cards

This week we made Superhero Trading cards. To make these cards we used a template found on the TD Summer Reading website. The kids drew their own superheroes on a piece of paper and had to determine a name, hometown, special abilities and an arch enemy for their superhero.


For our game we played handshake murder. To play this game designate 2 detectives. Then have everyone close their eyes and choose a murderer by tapping them on the head. After the murderer is chosen everyone walks around and shakes hands. The murderer squeezes the victims hand while shaking it. The detective must guess who the murderer is before everyone dies. 


Wafer cookies, and apples.