Friday, July 31, 2015

TD Summer Reading Program Week 5: Ages 9-12

Week 5: Play around the World
Week 5 of the reading program has come and gone and this week we traveled
around the world!

At the beginning of the program, I asked everyone to close their eyes and imagine their favourite place in the entire world, and then had them think about why it was their favourite place. We shared with the class and it was awesome to hear all the places they've been! A lot of kids said Disneyland because of the food and the rides and because, of course, it was the happiest place in the world! My favourite answer though was Home, because how fantastic is that?!

The first thing we did was get started on a craft because I knew it would take a while! (And I was right!)
Our craft today was a paper mache pinata! Here is what you need to make it:

-Modge Podge
-Cut of pieces of Newspaper or Magazines

-Using the paintbrush, paint the modgepodge onto the balloon then start to stick the newspaper to it! It is a really easy craft but quite time consuming depending on the size of the balloon. It took us almost 45 minutes!!)

With the last 15 minutes that we had of the program we sat outside and ate nachos and salsa and had some Canadian Trivia questions! 

Here are some of the questions that we had:

  1. Who was the first Prime Minister of Canada? Sir John A. Macdonald
  2. What animal is on the Canadian quarter?
    the CARIBOU
  3. How many oceans touch Canada? THREE - the Atlantic on the east, the Pacific on the west and the Arctic to the north
  4. How many countries border Canada? ONE - the United States of America
  5. How many provinces in Canada? TEN - from west to east they are:  British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland
  6. What is the capital city of Canada (the national capital)? Ottawa
  7. True or False?  Canada is the world's second largest country, by land mass? TRUE
  8. What is the Canadian $1 coin called? the Loonie  (the loon is a Canadian bird and is pictured on the coin, thus the name)
  9. How many territories in Canada? THREE - from west to east they are:  Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut
  10. What is the most recent territory in Canada called? Nunavut
  11. What is the leader of Canada called? the Prime Minister
  12. What leaf is on the Canadian flag? the maple leaf - it is the national emblem of Canada
  13. What is the Canadian national anthem called? O Canada -- oddly enough, although it has been sung since the late 1800's, it wasn't proclaimed Canada's National Anthem until 1980.
  14. What is the "big prize" for the Canadian Football League ("CFL") called?  The ________ cup
    the GREY cup
  15. What is the "big prize" for the National Hockey League ("NHL") called?  The _______ cup
    the STANLEY cup 

Next week our theme is "Play with Magic" so be prepared to become magicians!

TD Summer Reading Program Week 5 : Ages 2-6

Week 5: Play around the World
Week 5 of the reading program has come and gone and this week we traveled
around the world!

At the beginning of the program, I asked everyone to close their eyes and imagine their favourite place in the entire world, and then had them think about why it was their favourite place. We shared with the class and it was awesome to hear all the places they've been! A lot of kids said Disneyland because of the food and the rides and because, of course, it was the happiest place in the world! My favourite answer though was Home, because how fantastic is that?!

The first book we read was:

This book is about an emu who just wants to be the most popular animal at the zoo. He tries to become a seal, a lion and a snake but he realizes that the best thing he can be is himself: Edward the Emu!
GAME: We then played a game of Pin the Tail on the Donkey! That was really fun, we twirled around with our eyes closed then tried to get the tail closest to the X as possible. 

 The next book we read was:

This was an awesome book that took you around the world to gather al lthe ingredients for an apple pie! 

GAME: We traveled to Greece for the next game we played called "Statues". Someone stands in the center of the room and closes their eyes, while the person's eyes are closed everyone else walks around the room. When the person opens their eyes everyone has to freeze like statues! 

The last book we read was:
 After we traveled to Venice with Olivia we learned how to say Hello in different languages!!
Here are all the ones we learned together:

Guten Tag-Germany
Ni Hao-Chinese

The craft for around the world theme was a chinese Dragon:
-cardstock (for backround and for scales, mouth, head and tail)
-Googly Eyes
-Markers for decoration
First glue your yarn on the paper in the shape of a "S" (or really any shape you like!) Then glue on your head, tail, tongue, eyes and your scales all along the yarn! 

Next week our theme is "Play with Magic" so be ready to become magicians!

TD Summer Reading Program Week 5: Ages 7-8

Week 5: Play around the World!
Week 5 of the reading program has come and gone and this week we traveled
around the world!

At the beginning of the program, I asked everyone to close their eyes and imagine their favourite place in the entire world, and then had them think about why it was their favourite place. We shared with the class and it was awesome to hear all the places they've been! A lot of kids said Disneyland because of the food and the rides and because, of course, it was the happiest place in the world! My favourite answer though was Home, because how fantastic is that?!

The first book we read was:

 This book was fantastic! Every image was a wonder of the world but it was recreated using ordinary things. We spent a long time looking through all the photos, the Taj Mahal was made out of brussel sprouts, recorders, onions. Machu Picchu was made out of toast! 

The second book we read was:

We read Edward the Emu in the other programs, so it only seemed fitting that we read the story about Edwina! 

The last story we read was: 
After our last story we traveled outside to play some games!

The first thing we did outside was do yoga, this was more fun than you can imagine! We started off taking some deep breathes and reaching our hands to the sky and then we got started with the poses. The first pose we did was the tree pose:
 Then we did airplane pose:
 Downward Dog:

Then we just breathed for a couple minutes:
After our yoga practice we decided we needed to burn off some energy so we played a game called "Dragon Tails" 

After that game we were all ready for our craft and snack so we came back inside for some Chips and Salsa and started on our craft!

Our craft for today was a Chinese Dragon:

-cardstock (for backround and for scales, mouth, head and tail)
-Googly Eyes
-Markers for decoration
First glue your yarn on the paper in the shape of a "S" (or really any shape you like!) Then glue on your head, tail, tongue, eyes and your scales all along the yarn! 

Our theme next week is "Play with Magic" so prepared to become a magician!

Friday, July 24, 2015

TD Summer Reading Program Week 4: Ages 2-6

Week 4: Play with Food! 

There was a lot of excitement this week when the kids found out this week was all about food! They loved talking about their favourite foods- which was our question of the day. The most popular favourite food was, of course, pizza and ice cream! 

The first thing we did before storytime was get all of our wiggles out: we wiggled our right arm, left arm, then our legs and then our entire body! When all of our wiggles were out, we started with the first story. 
The first story we read was:

The kids loved this story, and we talked about how many pies we thought we could eat before we turned green and passed out under the table! Some kids thought they could eat 7 pies..I'd like to see that!

The second book we read was:

We then played a game to see if we could say a food that started with each letter of the alphabet! Here was our list:
A: apple, asparagus, almonds.
B:banana, bread.
C: cabbage, cake, corn, cereal.
D: donuts.
E: eggs,eel.
F:fish, french toast,fig.
G: grapes, garlic, guacamole.
H:ham, honey, hot dogs.
I:Ice cream.
J: jam, jello.
K: kiwi, ketchup.
L:lettuce, lamb, lasagna.
M:meatballs, milk.
N:noodles, Nutella.
O: Orange.
P: pizza, pepper, pancakes.
Q: quinoa, quiche.
R: rice.
S: spaghetti, spinach.
T:Toast, tomato.
U: We couldn't think of anything!
V: vegetables.
W: waffles, watermelon.
X: We couldn't think of anything!
Y: Yogurt
Z: Zucchini.

The last book we read was:

The last thing we did before our craft was sing a song about pizza!
Five leftover pizza pieces From the night before,
Dad came and ate one, Gulp! Then there were four.

Four leftover pizza pieces One with pepperoni
Mom came and ate one. Gulp! Then there were three.

Three leftover pizza pieces, Cheese like sticky glue.
Brother came and ate one, Gulp! Then there were two.

Two leftover pizza pieces Not having any fun.
Sister came to take one, Gulp and then there was one.

One leftover pizza piece But I don’t wanna be a hog.
So I went and got it And shared it with the dog!

Our craft for today was play dough, this was a lot of fun!!
At first they just cut out shapes using cookie cutters but for the last 10 minutes of the program they made all their favourite foods our of play dough. 

TD Summer Reading Program Week 4: Ages 7-8

Week 4: Play with food!
This week was all about food, which made the kids very excited! The first thing
we did was go around the circle and say all of our favourite foods. There were, of course, lots of ice cream, pizza and spaghetti! 

The first book we read was:

This book was about a boy who decided that he didn't want his mother's heathly balanced meals anymore so he took the cooking into his own hands. This, of course, lead to Finn cooking only with cookies, chocolate and ice cream, which made him very sick!

The first game we played was Food Alphabet we sat in a circle and each of us had to say a food that started with every letter of the alphabet. It was always hard for the last on sitting in the circle because all the easy ones had already been said!

A: apple, asparagus, almonds.
B:banana, bread.
C: cabbage, cake, corn, cereal.
D: donuts.
E: eggs,eel.
F:fish, french toast,fig.
G: grapes, garlic, guacamole.
H:ham, honey, hot dogs.
I:Ice cream.
J: jam, jello.
K: kiwi, ketchup.
L:lettuce, lamb, lasagna.
M:meatballs, milk.
N:noodles, Nutella.
O: Orange.
P: pizza, pepper, pancakes.
Q: quinoa, quiche.
R: rice.
S: spaghetti, spinach.
T:Toast, tomato.
U: We couldn't think of anything!
V: vegetables.
W: waffles, watermelon.
X: We couldn't think of anything!
Y: Yogurt
Z: Zucchini.

The second book we read was:
Then we went outside for an egg toss (not with really eggs of course, that would a very big mess!) The most amount of steps that someone took was 20 steps back!

The last book we read was:

After we read this book we thought about all the silly ways we could eat our food. I think the best answer was eating spaghetti using your feet while flying through the air on a trapeze!!

For our craft today we did potato printing!
Here is what you need:

-pre-cut potatoes in various shapes (stars, hearts, squares, circles)
-piece of fabric
-various colors of paint

-with paintbrush, paint potato and then stamp onto fabric. It's as easy as that!!

Next week our theme is Play Around the World! So bring your passports. 

TD Summer Reading Program Week 4: Ages 9-12

Week 4: Play with Food!
This week was all about food, which made the kids very excited! The first thing we did was go around the circle and say all of our favourite foods.There were a lot of pizza, candy and ice cream as answers. 

The first game we played was Food Alphabet we sat in a circle and each of us had to say a food that started with every letter of the alphabet. It was always hard for the last on sitting in the circle because all the easy ones had already been said!

A: apple, asparagus, almonds.
B:banana, bread.
C: cabbage, cake, corn, cereal.
D: donuts.
E: eggs,eel.
F:fish, french toast,fig.
G: grapes, garlic, guacamole.
H:ham, honey, hot dogs.
I:Ice cream.
J: jam, jello.
K: kiwi, ketchup.
L:lettuce, lamb, lasagna.
M:meatballs, milk.
N:noodles, Nutella.
O: Orange.
P: pizza, pepper, pancakes.
Q: quinoa, quiche.
R: rice.
S: spaghetti, spinach.
T:Toast, tomato.
U: We couldn't think of anything!
V: vegetables.
W: waffles, watermelon.
X: We couldn't think of anything!
Y: Yogurt
Z: Zucchini.
Then we went outside for an egg toss (not with really eggs of course, that would a very big mess!) The most amount of steps that someone took was 20 steps back!

After our games we decorated some cookies for food week! We had chocolate and vanilla ice cream and four different kinds of sprinkles. 

For our craft today we did potato printing!
Here is what you need:

-pre-cut potatoes in various shapes (stars, hearts, squares, circles)
-piece of fabric
-various colors of paint

-with paintbrush, paint potato and then stamp onto fabric. It's as easy as that!!

Next week we are playing around the world, so bring your passports!!

Monday, July 20, 2015

TD Summer Reading Club Week 3: Ages 9-12

WEEK 3: Mini PanAm Games

To celebrate the kick off of the PanAm games this week in Toronto, we decided to have our own mini games at the library!

So we decided to have a whole program just of minute to win it games! 

The first game we played was "Cookie Face" where you had to move one cookie from your forehead to your mouth without using your hand. This game is especially fun to watch!

The next game we played was "This Sucks" where you had to move 20 beans from one bowl to the other, sucking them up with a straw! 

The next game is called "Keep it up"  Where your task is to keep one feather in the air with only your breath for one full minute.

Then we played "Cereal Bracelets" where you had to try to thread as many cheerios on a pipe cleaner in a minute!! 

Since we played so many games today, we didn't have time to make a craft! But we did have time for a snack and for the last 5 minutes we all sat around and ate blueberries and grapes, well deserved for the athletes!

 Next week our theme is "Play with Food" so it is going to be a delicious and appetizing week!!