Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Waiting in the Wings: Story Time Letter W

W is for water, whale, whisk, wear, won, wise, watermelon, wagon, warrior, and windsock!

For stories we read:

Waiting Is Not Easy! by Mo Willems

Waiting, by Kevin Henkes

Where Are You Bear?, by Frieda Wishinsky

I Wanna Iguana, by Karen Kaufman Orloff

Two Little Monkeys, by Mem Fox

Wake Up, Me! by Marni McGee

Where's the Poop? by Julia Markes

Good Night, World, by Willa Perlman

For our craft, we made windsocks!

- card-stock
- streamers
- glue
- markers
- pipe cleaners
- foam stickers
- stapler/staples

For our snack, we had some tasty apples! Next up: xylophones!

Flowers in the Vase: Story Time Letter V

V is for vacuum, voyage, vast, van, veil, vampire, veterinarian, vest, vine, visor, and vase!

For stories we read:

Growing Vegetable Soup, by Lois Ehlert

Vegetables in Underwear, by Jared Chapman

The Very Busy Spider, by Eric Carle

The Very Clumsy Click Beetle, by Eric Carle

A Few Bites, by Cybèle Young

Inside a House That is Haunted, by Alyssa Satin Capucilli

The Adventures of Polo, by Régis Faller

For our craft, we made a flower vase!

- card-stock
- paper
- glue
- markers

For snack, we had some yummy grapes! Next up: windsocks!

Under the Umbrella! Story Time Letter U

U is for up, under, unicycle, uncle, udder, utter, underground, utensil, umpire, urn, and umbrella!

We read:

Row, Row, Row Your Boat, by Jane Cabrera

The Artist Who Painted a Blue Horse, by Eric Carle

You Will Be My Friend! by Peter Brown

The Wheels on the Bus, by Jane Cabrera

Hug Machine, by Scott Campbell

Telephone, by Mac Barnett

Bounce, by Doreen Cronin

Pete the Cat and the New Guy, by Kimberly and James Dean

Llama Llama and the Bully Goat, by Anna Dewdney

Yucka Drucka Droni, by Eugenia and Vladimir Radunsky

For our craft, we made umbrellas!

- paper
- glue
- cupcake liners
- pipe cleaners
- markers

For our snack, we had some tasty bananas! Next up: vases!

Terrible Tumbling Teeth! Story Time Letter T

T is for twist, tangle, truck, tornado, topple, tug, try, tall, tail, triangle, and teeth!

For stories we read:

Raccoon Tune, by Nancy Shaw

Tippy-Toe Chick, Go! by George Shannon

Mix It Up! by Hervé Tullet

What Time is it Mr. Crocodile? by Judy Sierra

Tap to Play! by Salina Yoon

Tuesday, by David Wiesner

Bear's Loose Tooth, by Karma Wilson

For our craft we brushed our teeth!

- black construction paper
- yellow construction paper
- glue
- white paint
- toothbrushes

For snack, we had some yummy cucumbers!

Next up: umbrellas!