Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Boredom Busters: Lions, Tigers, and Bears, Oh My!

We are temporarily reviving our Children's Blog to provide some resources for families who are stuck at home during this period of social distancing due to COVID-19. We will put together a variety of activities for you and your families every day at 1:00 pm. Watch for weekend Boredom Busters on Saturday and/or Sunday. See which ones you can do, and if you get the chance, share the results with us on any of our social media platforms, which will be listed at the bottom of this blog.

Today's theme is Lions, Tigers, and Bears, Oh My!

Read All About Them: cloudLibrary and Tumblebooks have a great assortment of books to read digitally. Check out Princess Angelica: Part-Time Lion Trainer, Go Get 'Em, Tiger!, Tiger in Trouble!, Bears! Bears! Bears!, and an assortment of The Berenstain Bears books on cloudLibrary.

Get Crafty: who doesn't love doing crafts? Check out some of these fantastic crafts to make your roar like a lion, tiger, or bear!

Lion Ribbon Puppet Craft:

All you need for this craft is:

- ribbon
- glue dots or hot glue (adult use only to save tiny fingers)
- craft sticks
- yellow paper
- glue
- markers

Tiger Corner Bookmarks:

Flex your origami muscles as you make this adorable tiger corner bookmark! Having origami paper is a bonus, but not a necessity. Just make sure you cut the paper you are using in a square, and start folding! Then decorate with some tiger stripes, and add in some sharp teeth and a tongue!

Bear Craft Cards:

These cards are super cute, and you can personalize them with as many colours or details as you'd like!

Now, because we can't have Boredom Busters titled "Lions, Tigers, and Bears, Oh My!" without giving credit to the source material, enjoy this timeless clip from The Wizard of Oz:

Hopefully these activities help break up the day, and get your family engaged in making fun with lions, tigers, and bears!

If your kids loved these activities, feel free to send us feedback or pictures on any of our social media platforms, linked below.

Library staff are available by phone (403-887-2130) or email Monday-Friday, 9:00 am 5:00 pm.

You can access all of our digital materials (eBooks, eAudiobooks, and more) through our website. If your membership is expired, or you need a membership, call us at 403-887-2130 and we can help.  