– Welcome Song and Storytime is Starting song
Five Little Fishes (Sung to: “5 Little Monkeys”)
Five little fishes, Swimming in the sea. Teasing Mr.
Shark, “You can’t catch me!”
Along comes Mr. Shark, As quiet as can be…. And
Four, little fishes, Swimming in the sea. Teasing
Mr. Shark, “You can’t catch me!”
Along comes Mr. Shark, As quiet as can be…. And
Repeat - Three, Two One….
Waves at the Beach (Sung to: “Wheels on the Bus”)
The waves at the beach go up and down, All day long.
The crabs at the beach, crawl back and forth, Back
and forth, back and forth.
The crabs at the beach, crawl back and forth, All
day long.
The lobsters at the beach go snap, snap, snap. Snap,
snap, snap, snap, snap, snap.
The clams at the beach will open and shut, Open and
shut, open and shut.
The clams at the beach will open and shut, All day
The jelly fish go wibble, wobble, wibble, All day
Read second story Bear in Underwear, Shark and Lobster's Amazing Undersea Adventure, or Underpants thunderpants!
Song Head and Shoulders, Knees and
Head and shoulders, knees and underpants
Knees and underpants, knees and underpants.
Head and shoulders knees and underpants,
Eyes, ears, mouth and underpants.
third story I Wished for a Unicorn, Pants or Under the ground
Five Little Sea Creatures
Five little
sea creatures; On the ocean floor.
The lobster walked away, And then there were four.
Four little sea creatures; Living in the sea.
The octopus crept away, Now there were three.
Three little sea creatures; Wondering what to do.
“Good-bye,” said the starfish Now there were two.
Two little sea creatures; Not having much fun.
Off swam the sea horse, Now there is one.
One little hermit crab. Sad and all alone.
Back came the starfish, Back came the sea horse,
Back came the octopus, Back came the lobster, Then all five went home.
Craft- Unicorn hobby horse
Materials: horse shapes
cut from foam and stapled around a dowel, stickers, googly eyes, markers, yarn
Glue on googly eyes and tie on yarn for mane. Decorate with
stickers and markers.
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