Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Letter R: Miss Corrie

R is for Rascal, Race, Running, Rhinoceros, Rat, Read, Ring, Red, and Rabbit!

Welcome to story time, come gather 'round. The story is starting, so let's all sit down!

Read first story, "Seeing Red", by Robert Munsch.

Song: Bunny Pooka (Tune: the Hokey Pokey).

You put your bunny paw in.
You take your bunny paw out.
You put your bunny paw in
And you shake it all about.

You do the Bunny Pooka
And you hop around a lot
That’s what it’s all about! 

(Then bunny ears, bunny feet, bunny tail, etc). 

Read second story: "How Do You Read to a Rabbit?", or "The Raven and the Loon".

Song: Bunnies Surprise (Tune: Eensie Weensie Spider).

Once there was a bunny
Who hopped around the town.
He brought colored eggs
And laid them on the ground.
When the children woke up,
They had a big surprise.
There were lots of pretty eggs
Right before their very eyes!

Read third story: "A Boy and His Bunny", or "What Makes a Rainbow?"

Craft: Easter Egg Basket!

Materials: Paper plates, pink construction paper, puff balls, pipe cleaners (or ribbon), stapler, glue. We decorated our bunnies, front and back, attached the ears and two sides together with staples, punched holes on either side of the ears, then attached pipe cleaner to each hole for the handle.

See you next week for silly letter S!

Check out some of these other rabbit/bunny songs here.