Monday, March 24, 2014

Letter S: Miss Corrie

S is for Snake, Salad, Sizzle, Slither, Sun, Sausage, Salamander, Shark, and Seahorse!

Welcome to story time, come gather 'round. The story is starting, so let's all sit down!

Read first story: "Snuggle Mountain", or "Shout! Shout It Out!".

Song: "If I Could Be a Fishy". (to the tune of "The More We Get Together")

If I could be a fishy,
A fishy, a fishy.
If I could be a fishy,
What kind would I be?

A swordfish, a guppy,
A goldfish, a molly.
If I could be a fishy,
I would be a (child fills in the blank)

Read second story: "Little Rocket's Special Star".

Counting Rhyme: "Five Little Fishes".

Five little fishes,
Swimming in the sea.
Teasing Mr. Shark,
“You can’t catch me!”
Along comes Mr. Shark,
As quiet as can be.... And snap!

Four, little fishes,
Swimming in the sea.
Teasing Mr. Shark,
“You can’t catch me!”
Along comes Mr. Shark,
As quiet as can be.... And snap!

Repeat - Three, Two One....

Read third story: "Shark in the Park".

Craft: Seahorse.

Materials: cardstock (or other thicker paper), markers, yarn (or pipe cleaners) for the hair.

See you next week!