Read first story The gobble gobble mooooo tractor book, Red red red
Song (Tune: Wheels on the Bus)
Great big teeth, great big teeth,
The tyrannosaurus rex had great
big teeth,
When the dinosaurs roamed.
Additional verses:
The triceratops had three big
The stegosaurus had spikes on his
second story I'm a turkey!, The last tiger, The nanny goat's kid
1 saw some corn and then there were 4 (fold down one finger)
4 little turkeys flew up a tree (fly 4 fingers into the air)
1 fell down and then there were 3 (one finger falls to the ground)
3 little turkeys gobbled as they do (hold up 3 fingers)
A dog chased 1 and then there were 2 (left hand chases 1 finger on right hand)
2 little turkeys strutting in the sun (hold up 2 fingers)
The wind came along and then there was 1 (make wind movement with left hand)
1 little turkey began to run (1 finger runs)
For he saw the farmer and now there are none. (left hand grabs right hand)
Read third story Rawr!, Turkey Trouble
I had a little turtle. Make a fist with thumb sticking out
He lived in a box Cup hand to form box
He swam in a puddle, Make swimming motions
He climbed on the rocks. Make climbing motions
He snapped at a mosquito;
he snapped at a flea,
Snap fingers
He snapped at a minnow;
he snapped at me.
He caught the mosquito;
he caught the flea. Make catching motions with
He caught the minnow, but
he didn’t catch me! Shake finger and head ‘ no, no’
Craft- Triceratops
Materials: paper
plates, head, tail and feet cut from construction paper, glue, markers.
Glue head, tail and feet on
paper plate. Colour body of triceratops.
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