Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Week 4: Way up North ages 7-8

Week 4
Way Up North 
Ages 7-8 
Can you name some animals from the arctic? Which is your favorite, and why? 
The first book we read was "Sweetest Kulu" by Celina Kalluk. This book has beautiful pictures and tells a lovely story. 

The second book we read was "A Team Like No Other" by Georgia Graham. The kids really enjoyed this story, some of them got really into it (you could tell from the expressions on their faces). 
The third book we read was "Baby Beluga" by Raffi, I was surprised at how much the children still enjoyed this book as I thought they might think they are too old for it, but they adored the star character: Baby Beluga. 

Puffin VS Arctic Fox
To play this game: Split participants into two equal teams, one side will be arctic fox, and the other will be puffins. Place balls (these will be the puffins eggs) on the puffins side. Designate a middle line that is each animal's "home" (each have their own side). If the foxes are tagged by a puffin before they can successfully steal an egg, they must freeze where they are until one of their teammates comes to rescue them. When being freed by a teammate foxes have a free walk back to their side. Time the game for 3 minutes. Once the time is up if the foxes have more eggs than puffins they win. *PUFFINS CANNOT STEAL BACK EGGS*. Have the teams switch animals when a new round begins. 

Torn paper craft
 Assorted colors of construction paper (make sure to also have black) , and glue.
       Have children tear construction paper width wise, overlap the paper so that it creates a northern lights sky. Glue your paper onto white construction paper, once the children have all their colored paper glued down, have them tear mountain like shapes with black paper and glue it at the bottom of the page.