Week 7
Canadian Myths and Legends
Ages 2-6
Have you ever heard of Bigfoot? How about the Ogopogo?
Some of the children have heard of Bigfoot but most of them had not heard about the Ogopogo
The first book we read was "Monster Party" by Annie Bach. This is a silly book, with lots of fun pictures that kept the kids interested!
The second book we read was "Sophie and the Sea Monster" by Don Gillmor, and Michael Martchenko. This is a great book that teaches children to be brave, and the world might not be as scary as you think.
Going on a Monster Hunt!
This is a repeat after me song (to the tune of Going on a Bear hunt)
Going on a monster hunt
(Look around for monsters)
I'm not afraid!
(Point to self)
What a beautiful day!
(Swing arms in a circle in front of head)
Oh no! Tall grass!
Can't go over it!
(Make an over action with hands)
Can't go under it!
(Make an under action with hand, and get lower to ground)
I guess we're going to have to go through it
(Pretend to walk through tall grass)
Going on a monster hunt
(Look around for monsters)
I'm not afraid!
(Point to self)
What a beautiful day!
(Swing arms in a circle in front of head)
Oh no! Sticky Mud!
Can't go over it!
(Make an over action with hands)
Can't go under it!
(Make an under action with hand, and get lower to ground)
I guess we're going to have to go through it
(Pretend to put on mud boots and walk through sticky mud)
Going on a monster hunt
(Look around for monsters)
I'm not afraid!
(Point to self)
What a beautiful day!
(Swing arms in a circle in front of head)
Oh no! A cliff that overlooks the water!
Can't go over it!
(Make an over action with hands)
Can't go under it!
(Make an under action with hand, and get lower to ground)
I guess we're going to have jump into the water!
(Pretend to do a somersault into the water)
Going on a monster hunt
(Look around for monsters)
I'm not afraid!
(Point to self)
What a beautiful day!
(Swing arms in a circle in front of head)
Oh no! There's a cave!
Can't go over it!
(Make an over action with hands)
Can't go under it!
(Make an under action with hand, and get lower to ground)
I guess we're going to have crawl through it!
(Pretend to crawl through a cave)
Oh no! two big eyes!
(Pretend to make two big eyes on your face with hands)
A long green tail!
Slimy skin!
It's a monster!!!!
(Run around away from the monster)
Monster Puppet Craft
Paperbags, googly eyes, assorted construction paper for hands and feet, pieces of a feather boa for monster hair, markers, scissors, and glue
1. Cut out four ovals from construction paper for monster feet, and arms, don't forget to glue them on!
2. Make a crazy face on your monster, don't forget to put on some googly eyes!
3. Glue some pieces of feather boa on your monster to add some crazy monster hair to your creation!
4. Put your hand in your monster with a puppet and make monster noises!