Friday, August 25, 2017

Week 8: Celebrate Canada Ages 7-8

Week 8
Celebrate Canada!
Ages 7-8
I can't believe the summer's already over! Where has the time gone? 
This week I thought we would finish off the program by reading some fun books by a favorite Canadian author!
The first book we read was "Braids" by Robert Munsch, the kids loved this book, it was quite humorous!
The second book we read was "It's MY Room!" this was another book written by Munsch.

Paper-bag Kite 
Materials needed: 
Paper-bag, stickers, string, glue, markers, scissors and streamers.
How to make:
1. Decorate your paper-bag with stickers, and markers
2. Once finished decorating glue streamers onto the edge of the opening of your bag so they are hanging out.
3. Staple a string to the bottom of your paper-bag
4. Go outside and hang on to the string and run with your kite. 

We went outside to run with our kites! It was quite fun the kids came up with different imaginative play to play with their kites, they were even pretending they were astronauts!  
We ended the program with eating celebratory cupcakes! 

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Week 8: Celebrate Canada Ages 2-6

Ages 2-6
Week 8
Celebrate Canada
Where did the time go? What an incredible summer! 
This week we wrapped things up with a fun packed Canadian themed program! 
The first book we read was "Rocky Mountain ABCs" by Jocey Asnong. This was a great book to end the program with! It features so many beautiful Canadian destinations. 
The second book we read was "Goodnight Canada" by Andrea Beck. This was a fun book with lots of silly animals. There was lots of things for children to spot on every page!

Ice-cream Flavors: 
How to play: 
Have the kids think of their favorite flavor of ice-cream(in their head). Call out various flavours of ice-cream. If you call a child's favorite flavor they must run to the other side without being tagged, if they are tagged they must join you in the middle. 
We also played "red light,green light", and "what time is it Mr.Wolf?". 

Maple Leaf Tissue Paper Art 
 Assorted colors of tissue paper chopped into small squares, glue, a template of a 
Canadian maple leaf. 
1. Place glue on the inside of your maple leaf
2. Crumple up tissue paper and place it on to glue so it the tissue paper sticks on the  maple leaf
4. Cover all the white of the maple leaf with tissue paper.

To end our final program together we ate celebratory cupcakes! 

Week 8: Celebrate Canada! Ages 9-12

Week 8
Ages 9-12
Celebrate Canada
What an amazing summer! We shared so many laughs together.
To wrap things up we did some fun activities.

Today we made a God's eye craft!
Yarn, 2 Popsicle sticks per child, a hot glue gun, and decals if desired!
How to make:
Here's a great link that gives you a step by step visual!
God's eye instructions 
I brought out diamond decals and different flowers etc.. the kids came up with really creative designs with the decals which added to the fun of this craft! The children were quite impressed with their designs!

After completing our craft, we made paper airplanes. We went outside to have a paper airplane race! It was a fun last day activity.
After our airplane contest we went inside to have some cupcakes, and to read a few books.
The first book we read was "M is for Maple" by Mike Ulmer. This was a great book with lots of different facts about Canada! The kids were very interested in the history of Canada.
We ended the class with three Robert Munsch books!
The first Munsch book we read was "Braids" the kids were laughing out loud when I read this book.
The second book we read by Robert Munsch was "It's MY Room" this book featured a very special surprise at the end that got lots of laughs. 
The final Munsch book we read was "Ribbon Rescue" this was a nice story about kindness.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Semaine 8: Le derniere semaine

Semaine 8 
Wow! Cette été est déjà fini! J'ai s'amuse beaucoup.
Cette semaine ont a célébré la fin du programme avec deux livres amusant! On a aussi fait une cour de oiseaux à la fin! 

Le premier livre que nous ont lu est "Le Canada C'est Moi" par Heather Patterson. Ça c'est un très bon livre avec beaucoup d’image extraordinaire
Le deuxième livre que nous ont lu c'est "Ma Dent Ne Veut Pas Tomber" par Robert Munsch. Ça c'est un bon livre par lire à la dernière classe. Cette livre est vraiment drôle. 

Les Oiseaux 
1. ciseaux
2. colle en bâton
3. carton blanc ou papier de format 8 ½ x 11
4. crayons à colorier, crayons feutres, crayons de cire,
5. gouache ou aquarelle
6. modèles (en annexe)
1. Imprimez les modèles en annexe et pliez-les en deux, sur la ligne du bas du corps, comme sur l'image.

2. Découpez en suivant les contours.

3. Pliez les ailes de chaque côté, puis collez l'intérieur du corps de l'oiseau.

4. Coloriez l'oiseau avec le médium choisi. Pour les modèles sur papier, privilégiez les crayons de cire, les crayons de couleur ou les crayons feutres. Pour les modèles sur carton, optez pour la gouache ou la peinture à l'eau. 
Les Oiseaux  (Tu peux faire ton propre à la maison.) 

Vol de Oiseaux
Après que nous ont faisons notre bricolage ont à avez une cour de oiseaux.
Les oiseaux n’ont pas voler très loin, mais les enfants ont encore amusé.

Pour finir la classe on a mangé des cupcakes, et avec le temps qui reste ont à jouer un jeu de téléphone. 

Monday, August 21, 2017

Semaine 7: Les Légendes Canadien

Semaine 7 
Les Légendes Canadien 

Cette semaine ont à discuter que-ce qu’est une légende? On a venu à la conclusion que c'est une histoire qui ont saviez pas si c'est vrai ou faux. 


Ça c'est un très drôle livre. Ça aller bien avec le thème parce que ont saviez pas si "Le Papa de David" par Robert Munsch est une vraie histoire ou juste une légende. 
Modelé de ogopogo (pour les enfants de découpée), crayons, papier gros pour faire le paysage pour le Ogopogo de nagée dedans, et le colle. 

1. Colore le Ogopogo
2. Découpe l'Ogopogo
3. Fait un lac sur le papier gros pour Ogopogo de nager de dans 
4. Colle le Ogopogo sur ton paysage
On a joué un jeu qui s'appelle "Ogopogo, Ogopogo, Sasquatch" 
C'est exactement comme le jeux "Canard, Canard, Oie", sauf tu dis Ogopogo et Sasquatch. 
Les enfants ont aimé beaucoup ces jeux. 

Friday, August 18, 2017

Week 7: Canadian Myths and Legends Ages 9-12

Week 7
Canadian Myths and Legends
Ages 9-12
We started the class by discussing different myths and legends.
We read the book "A Promise is A Promise" by Robert Munsch and Michael Kusugak to get some different ideas for some different folklore creatures. 

This week for our craft we created our own creatures. I gave each of the kids a template to describe their creature (they had to be related to Canada in some way). The different creatures the kids came up with were all very creative! Some of their legends were quite funny.
There were various questions such as: Where does it live? How do you know it is near? Is it friendly or scary?

After we were done creating our creatures we went outside to play a game of
 "Ogopogo, Ogopogo, Sasquatch", which is exactly like "Duck, Duck, Goose", however, you say Ogopogo and Sasquatch instead. 

Week 7: Canadian Myths and Legends Ages 7-8

Week 7
Canadian Myths and Legends
Ages 7-8

Do you know of a Canadian myth or legend? 
Most kids thought of Bigfoot. They were very intrigued with the story of Ogopogo

The first book we read was "Sophie and the Sea Monster" by Don Gillmor and Michael Martchenko. This is a fun book with some cool looking monsters! It's quite humorous too, the kids got a good laugh out of this one. 

The second book we read was "The Great Antonio" by Elise Gravel. The children couldn't believe that Antonio was actually a real guy! They were very interested in this story!

The third book we read was "A Promise is a Promise" by Robert Munsch. This is a great book, it's a very intriguing story that kept the children very interested.

Ogopogo Clothes Pin 
Clothes pins, blue construction paper, googly eyes, pipecleaner, glue, and tape.
1. Cut out some waves out of construction paper 
2. Make a Sea monster with your pipe cleaner 
3. Glue a googly eye onto the pipe cleaner
4. Glue your monster onto the clothespin
5. Glue the waves in front of your monster to make it look like he's swimming!
Use your monster as a book mark or however you'd please!

Ogopogo, Ogopogo, Sasquatch 
How to play:
Played like "duck, duck, goose", but instead you say Sasquatch for the person you want to run against!
The kids had a lot of fun playing this game, however, by the end Ogopogo started to become a tongue twister!  

Handshake Monster
We ended the program with a game of handshake monster AKA handshake murder.

Someone is named the "Murderer." When someone is "Murderer," they go around and give a squeeze rather then a handshake. So while everyone else is giving handshakes, this person squeezes people's hands. Once someone's hand is squeezed, they "die." Eventually, someone can try to guess who the killer is. If they are right, they win. If they are wrong, then they die and the game goes on. 

Another variation is when whenever someone gets their hand squeezed, they are now the murderer, and the previous one "dies." In this version, you can make it so that after a murderer squeezes 2 people's hands they die or they have to give a normal handshake after they squeeze someone's hand before dying.

You can also play this game where everyone is sitting in a circle and the murderer winks at people. This version is a little harder because you need to make sure that the person sees you before you wink at them, and in large circles this can be a little hard.

As the game continues, you can add more and more murderers. But always have less murderers then non-murderers. This is a good game to just mess around with but keep the same idea going.

Week 7: Canadian Myths and Legends Ages 2-6

Week 7
Canadian Myths and Legends
Ages 2-6
Have you ever heard of Bigfoot? How about the Ogopogo? 
Some of the children have heard of Bigfoot but most of them had not heard about the Ogopogo
The first book we read was "Monster Party" by Annie Bach. This is a silly book, with lots of fun pictures that kept the kids interested! 

The second book we read was "Sophie and the Sea Monster" by Don Gillmor, and Michael Martchenko. This is a great book that teaches children to be brave, and the world might not be as scary as you think. 

Going on a Monster Hunt! 
This is a repeat after me song (to the tune of Going on a Bear hunt)
Going on a monster hunt
(Look around for monsters) 
I'm not afraid!
(Point to self)
What a beautiful day!
(Swing arms in a circle in front of head)
Oh no! Tall grass!
Can't go over it!
(Make an over action with hands)
Can't go under it!
(Make an under action with hand, and get lower to ground)
I guess we're going to have to go through it
(Pretend to walk through tall grass)

Going on a monster hunt
(Look around for monsters) 
I'm not afraid!
(Point to self)
What a beautiful day!
(Swing arms in a circle in front of head)
Oh no! Sticky Mud!
Can't go over it!
(Make an over action with hands)
Can't go under it!
(Make an under action with hand, and get lower to ground)
I guess we're going to have to go through it
(Pretend to put on mud boots and walk through sticky mud)

Going on a monster hunt
(Look around for monsters) 
I'm not afraid!
(Point to self)
What a beautiful day!
(Swing arms in a circle in front of head)
Oh no! A cliff that overlooks the water!
Can't go over it!
(Make an over action with hands)
Can't go under it!
(Make an under action with hand, and get lower to ground)
I guess we're going to have jump into the water!
(Pretend to do a somersault into the water)

Going on a monster hunt
(Look around for monsters) 
I'm not afraid!
(Point to self)
What a beautiful day!
(Swing arms in a circle in front of head)
Oh no! There's a cave!
Can't go over it!
(Make an over action with hands)
Can't go under it!
(Make an under action with hand, and get lower to ground)
I guess we're going to have crawl through it!
(Pretend to crawl through a cave)
Oh no! two big eyes!
(Pretend to make two big eyes on your face with hands)
A long green tail!
Slimy skin!
It's a monster!!!!
(Run around away from the monster) 

Monster Puppet Craft
Paperbags, googly eyes, assorted construction paper for hands and feet, pieces of a feather boa for monster hair, markers, scissors, and glue
1. Cut out four ovals from construction paper for monster feet, and arms, don't forget to glue them on!
2. Make a crazy face on your monster, don't forget to put on some googly eyes!
3. Glue some pieces of feather boa on your monster to add some crazy monster hair to your creation!
4. Put your hand in your monster with a puppet and make monster noises!

Week 1 Oh Canada! Ages 9-12

Week 1
      Ages 9-12  
Oh Canada! 

     What do you like most about Canada? Why is Canada so great?

After asking my opening question, I began the program by reading the kids some Canadian jokes, this was a great icebreaker as it allowed the kids to loosen up and have a good laugh.

Some Canadian jokes:
What did the mallard duck say to Canadian goose? You quack me up!
What does a pig use to clean the ice rink? A hamboni!
Knock knock. Who's there? Icy. Icy who? Icy you weren't expecting me. 


    The first game we played was Canadian charades. I gave each child a slip of paper and one at a time they acted out whatever word was on their piece of paper. I used different Canadian symbols like beaver, moose, goose, lumberjack, hockey etc...

        The second game we played was called fire and ice tag. To play this game you get two balls of different colors (I chose blue to represent ice, and pink to represent fire). The person that is holding the “ice” ball is it, the person who is holding the “fire” ball unfreezes people. I have the children perform different forms of locomotion while playing the game to add variety. I also have the children who are holding the ball to pass it to a friend every 2 minutes or so, so that no one feels left out. When a person is frozen I have them do different balancing poses, or funny faces to make the game that much more fun! There are so many variations you can do to this game it is so simple and easy, and the kids love this game.


         Collage of what Canada is to you
Materials: Manilla tag paper, various magazines and books, scissors, glue, and Canadian pictures.
  The children seemed to enjoy this activity; some of the images they created were cool to see. I think they loved the fact that they could create whatever they would like of what Canada is to them.
Snack: Apple, carrots, and cookies 

Semaine 1: CANADA

Semaine 1
Quelle es la chose que tu aime le plus de Canada?
Blagues en Francais

 "Cercle de partage" par Theresa "Corky" Larsen-Jonasson. Ca c'est un bon histoire, le theme de le histoire est l'importance de partager. 

Plaque de Canada:
 (avec les batons de popsicle)\
Avant la programme j’ai colle tous les batons de popsicle ensemble pour les enfants, pour s'assurez que ils vont avoir le temps de peinturer leur plaque. Les enfants en aimez beaucoup le bricolages (j’espere) ils ete tres creative es ont peinturer les images qui en representer Canada pour lui meme.


Week 6: Canadian Sports Ages 9-12

Week 6 
Canadian Sports
Ages 9-12
We  started the program off by discussing different sports that were invented in Canada.

Embroidery Hockey Sticks
3 Popsicle sticks for each child, glue gun, embroidery thread, and magnets.
1. break one Popsicle stick in half
2. attach the broken Popsicle stick to the bottom of the other stick to form a hockey stick
3. use embroidery thread to wrap around your hockey stick to make it unique
4.once you have covered your hockey sticks the way you would like attach both hockey sticks together
5. glue a magnet on the back

Balloon Tennis Races
 Paper plates, over-sized Popsicle sticks,  balloon, and hot glue. 
To make your racket glue the Popsicle stick near the bottom of the paper plate. 
How to play: 
Separate children into two teams. Give each team a balloon. Team must line up at starting point. Designate a finish line. When you say go teams must use their racket to try and get the balloon to the finish line *NO DOUBLE HITS FROM THE SAME PLAYER*

The kids seemed to really enjoy this game it was cool to see how they worked together to get the ball successfully to the finish line. 

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Week 6: Canadian Sports Ages 7-8

Canadian Sports
Week 6
Ages: 7-8
Can you think of some sports that were invented in Canada?
The first book we read was "Lucy Tries Luge" by Lisa Bowes. It's great to be able to read a book to the kids by a local Albertan! 

The second book we read was "Just One Goal!" by Robert Munsch. What a fun book! There's even an appearance made by a moose!  
The third book we read was "The Hockey Sweater" by Roch Carrier. This is a great book that shows Canadians' passion for hockey!  

Don't let the balloon touch the ground! This was a fun activity, however the wind kept blowing the balloon into the trees so after we were tired of that we ended up playing telephone! 

Design your own sports player!
White paper, crayons, Popsicle sticks, pipe cleaners and whatever other materials you can find! 
1. Draw a person
2.Color your person
3. Have your person doing whatever activity you would like
4. Cut out your athlete
5. Make some equipment to go along with your athlete, whether that be skis or a hockey stick,
                                                                  the sky is the limit!
(I made a snowboarder!)

Week 6: Canadian Sports Ages 2-6

Week 6 
Ages 2-6
Canadian Sports
Do you have a favorite game or activity that you like to play/do?
The first book we read was "Lucy Tries Soccer" by Lisa Bowes. This is a great series of books that demonstrates to children the importance of sportsmanship, and shows them all the different sports and activities that are available for them to try!

The second book we read was " Just One Goal!" by Robert Munsch. This is a great book with some funny characters in it! It shows true hockey passion! 

The first activity we did was red light, green light. I made it a bit more exciting by having the children show me their most silly face when I yelled red light. 
The second activity we did was What Time is it Mr.Wolf. I had children perform different forms of loco motion to go along with our sports theme. 
Our final activity was Simon Says. 

Baseball Man 
Small paper plates, glue, strips of colored construction paper (4 for each child), Googly eyes,
 and markers
1. Have children fold their strip of colored paper like a fan to make crazy arm and legs
2. Draw a smile and baseball stitches on the backside of the plate (the side you wouldn't eat on) 
3. Glue on some googly eyes and enjoy your creation! 

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Semaine 5 Nourriture Canadien

Semaine 5
Nourriture Canadien

Est-ce que tu peux penser des nourritures Canadiennes?


Le premier livre que nous ont lu été "Benji, Tu Veux un Beigne?" par Laura Numeroff. Ce livre est très amusant. Les enfants aiment beaucoup ce livre.

Le deuxième livre que nous lisons été "Une tonne de tartes!" par Robert Munsch. Ça c'est une bonne addition pour notre thème pour la semaine.

Bataille des restaurants
Comment Jouer:
diviser les enfants en deux équipes. Donne chaque équipe des objets. Fait une ligne dans le milieu du terrain de jeu. Les équipes essayaient de voler les objets d'équipeL'équipe avec le plus d'objets quand tu dis arrêt gagner. (Chaque tour est 3 minutes)

Matériaux: bande de papier jaune, papier orange (pour fromage), assiette en papier, colle, peinture brune
Pour les frites: Les bande de papier jaune 
Pour le fromage: Petit cercle de papier orange
Pour la saucePeinture brune mélanger avec la colle liquide 
1. Colle les frites sur l'assiette
2. Colle le fromage sur les frites 
3. Verser la mixture de colle et peinture sur ton création