Friday, August 8, 2014

TD Summer Reading Club Week 5: Ages 9-12

Week 5: Whodunnit?

For the fifth week of the Summer Reading Club we took out our notebooks, put on our trench coats and became detectives! We talked about all the jobs that detectives have to do in a day and then we moved on to discuss Ninjas and if they were similar or different to spies and detectives!
 I asked if anyone would want to be a spy or a ninja for a day and everyone thought that would be the coolest job ever! 

After our discussion we headed outside with some chalk and talked about how in movies when someone dies you see and outline of their body in white, so we laid on the sidewalk and we took turns tracing each other’s outlines!

We came back inside and sat down on the carpet, I gave an I spy book to groups of kids and we had a competition to see who could find every object on their page!
You can tell that they are really looking hard!!

After squinting long and hard at the I spy books our eyes needed a break so we played a game of “Two truths, One lie” We went around the circle saying two true things about us and one lie, and the others had to guess which one was the lie. It was really fun and a great way to get to know one another!

Then all the detectives sat down so we could work on our crafts. For this week we made hand print detectives, we painted our hands and then decorated the hand print so it looked like a detective. Here was the final look!

 We also painted our hands and put our handprints on a big “Whodunnit” banner and signed it with our Agent names!

After all the crafts, we sat down on the carpet and had some snacks! Some apple slices with mysterious-mustached men on them! 

 While eating our snack we solved some mysteries together, here are the ones we solved!
Question:There is a man found dead in a circular mansion. The detective interviews the cook, maid, and babysitter. The cook said he couldn’t have done it because he was preparing the meal. The maid said she couldn’t have done it because she was dusting the corners. The babysitter said she couldn’t because she was playing with the children. Who was lying?
 Answer: The maid. There are no corners in a circular mansion.

Question: A man is found dead one Saturday morning. He was killed while his wife was sleeping. The wife tells the police all that she knows. She tells them that the cook was cooking breakfast, the maid was cleaning and the butler was getting the mail. The police immediately arrest the person who is responsible. Who is responsible and why?
Answer: The wife because she was sleeping, how could she know that all of that happened!

Question: A man went into a party and drank some of the punch. He then left early. Everyone at the party who drunk the punch subsequently died of poisoning. Why did the man not die?
 Answer: The poison from the punch came from the ice cubes. When the man drunk the punch, the ice was fully frozen. Gradually, as the ice cubes melted the poison was released into the punch.

Practice holding your breath for next week because we are going to be diving Down in the Deep Blue Sea we will be talking about all the underwater creatures and discovering the vast ocean!
Don’t forget to bring in your reading notebook next time, with all your readings from the past week so you can enter into the weekly prize. The prize will be drawn Friday at 4:00!