Week 5: Whodunnit?
I asked if anyone would want to be a spy or a ninja for a day and
everyone thought that would be the coolest job ever!
The first book that we read was:
Next we played a
game of 20 questions, someone thought of an object or animal and everyone else
had to figure out what they were thinking by asking twenty questions. Some of
the questions you could ask are:
Can you swim?
Are you friendly?
Do you eat plants?
Can I hold you in my hands?
The second book we read was:
We all went outside with some chalk for our
next activity! We talked about how in movies when someone dies you see and outline
of their body in white, so we laid on the sidewalk and we took turns tracing each
other’s outlines!
The last book we read was:
There were lots of monkey detectives this
Then all the detectives sat down so we could
work on our crafts. For this week we made hand print detectives, we painted our
hands and then decorated the hand print so it looked like a detective. Here was
the final look!
We all gave them detective names! There was
everything from Agent 007 to detective banana (there was really A LOT of banana
talk this week)
Practice holding your breath for next week
because we are going to be diving Down in the Deep Blue Sea we will be talking
about all the underwater creatures and discovering the vast ocean!
Don’t forget to bring in your reading notebook next time, with all your readings from the past week so you can enter into the weekly prize. The prize will be drawn Friday at 4:00!