Thursday, August 28, 2014

End of the Summer Reading Program

I just wanted to say a big thank you to all the businesses that donated to our Summer Reading Program this year. It is because of their generosity that our Reading Program was able to encourage a love of reading in over 300 local children. How wonderful!! Your kindness does not go unnoticed and everyone at the Library and especially the participants of the program thank you very much!

Also a big congratulation to all the grand prize winners that won the gift basket for their age group! Great job guys!

Ages 4-6 : Konner Neufeld

Ages 7-8: Kelsey Jones

 Ages 9-12: Rebecca Kingston

French: Anaiya Morrow 

Teens: Starla Fifield

Thank you again to everyone who supported and participated in the Eureka Summer Reading Program. I hope you all have a great school year and continue to read lots and lots and lots of books every week J

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

TD Summer Reading Club Week 7: Ages 9-12

WEEK 7: We are Inventors!
So the last week of the TD Summer Reading Program has come and gone. I hope that these last 7 weeks has been as fun for you as they have been for me! We have had so many “Eureka!” moments this summer and discovered a lot of new things. We have talked about everything from gardening to mystery and oceans to space!

For the last week of the reading club our theme was We are Inventors!  Instead of talking about other people’s discoveries, I wanted everyone to find their own creativity and have a Eureka moment themselves.

We started to discuss all the different inventions in the world, like when you wake up in the morning it’s dark in your room so you turn on a light switch to make it bright. We talked about how they all go to the library, if it was by car, then they rode in an invention! 

The first thing we did was play outside with a huge parachute! We played lots of fun games including cat and mouse, shark attack and of course the mushroom! It was fun to run around outside for a while instead of always being inside!
Then we came inside and invented our own tinfoil boat. Here is what we did!
  • Tin foil
  • Bowl
  • Scissors
  • Pennies
  • Water
  1. Cut a piece of tin foil 5 x 6 inches.
  2. Fold up the sides of the boat so it will not sink and hold a cargo of pennies.
  3. Place the boat in the bowl of water. Begin adding pennies for the boat's cargo.
  4. See how many pennies your boat can carry before it sinks.
  5. Have some friends over and try this experiment with them. See which one of you can create the boat that will carry the greatest amount of cargo.
  6. Be sure to dry the pennies before you begin adding them as cargo because remember water has weight!
  7. Have the person who created the boat begin adding pennies to their boat while another person counts the number of pennies as they are added to the boat.
  8. Try different ways to distribute the weight of the pennies on your barge so you can carry the maximum number. Tinfoil Boat Directions
We then came and worked on our flying airplanes, I printed off directions but a few tried their own designs which were great!!

Then we made marshmallow robots, we had toothpicks and colorful marshmallows. We didn’t start off with our robots; we started out with inventing buildings! I gave the kids 2 minutes to build the best building they could! After they finished the building we moved onto the robots! I loved how many different variations of robots we saw!!  

We had a little end of the summer celebration and we ate cupcakes and talked about everything we were excited about for the next year! 

The most exciting thing that we did was eat the tomatoes off the plant that we planted 7 weeks ago at the very first reading program!! How cool is that?!

Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s reading program, I hope to see all your wonderful smiling faces next summer! 

Friday, August 22, 2014

TD Summer Reading Club Week 7: Ages 7 and 8

WEEK 7: We are Inventors!
So the last week of the TD Summer Reading Program has come and
gone. I hope that these last 7 weeks has been as fun for you as they have been for me! We have had so many “Eureka!” moments this summer and discovered a lot of new things. We have talked about everything from gardening to mystery and oceans to space!

For the last week of the reading club our theme was We are Inventors!  Instead of talking about other people’s discoveries, I wanted everyone to find their own creativity and have a Eureka moment themselves.

We started to discuss all the different inventions in the world, like when you wake up in the morning it’s dark in your room so you turn on a light switch to make it bright. We talked about how they all go to the library, if it was by car, then they rode in an invention! 

The first book we read was:

The next game we played was a game of “What time is it Mr. Robot?” We went outside to enjoy the semi-warm weather and we definitely warmed up after being chased by the fast Mr. Robot when it was lunch time! 

The second book we read was:

We went outside again to play with a huge parachute! We played lots of fun games including cat and mouse, shark attack and of course the mushroom! It was fun to run around outside for a while instead of always being inside!

The last book we read was:

This was one of my favorite books growing up and it was really fun to read to the kids!

We had two crafts to do today, a paper airplane and marshmallow robots!
For the paper airplane we decorating with stickers and markers and then we had a little flying contest!  

For the marshmallow robots, we had toothpicks and colorful marshmallows. We didn’t start off with our robots; we started out with inventing buildings! I gave the kids 2 minutes to build the best building they could! After they finished the building we moved onto the robots! I loved how many different variations of robots we saw!!  

We had a little end of the summer celebration and we ate cupcakes and talked about everything we were excited about for the next year!

Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s reading program! I hope to see all your wonderful smiling faces next summer! :) 

TD Summer Reading Club Week 7: Ages 2-6

WEEK 7: We are Inventors!
So the last week of the TD Summer Reading Program has come and
gone. I hope that these last 7 weeks has been as fun for you as they have been for me! We have had so many “Eureka!” moments this summer and discovered a lot of new things. We have talked about everything from gardening to mystery and oceans to space!

For the last week of the reading club our theme was We are Inventors!  Instead of talking about other people’s discoveries, I wanted everyone to find their own creativity and have a Eureka moment themselves. 

We started to discuss all the different inventions in the world, like when you wake up in the morning it’s dark in your room so you turn on a light switch to make it bright. We talked about how they all go to the library, if it was by car, then they rode in an invention!

The first book we read was:
For our first activity we got creative with dancing! We had a little dance party, everyone had a turn dancing around and to show the other kids what their best dance move was! There were some awesome dancers in the group.

The second book we read was:

The next game we played was a game of “What time is it Mr. Robot?” we had lots of fun running back and forth in the programming room and we worked on our counting as well!!

The last book we read was:

Then we went over to the craft table and had some fun with play dough, since it is an invention week the kids could invent anything that they want!! There was everything from hot dogs to snowmen, everyone was really creative!

Since it was the last week of the program we had a little cupcake party and everyone chowed down on some yummy cupcakes. Things got a little messy but, hey, it was a party!!

Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s reading program, I hope to see all your wonderful smiling faces next summer! 

EUREKA! Club de lecture d'été: Semaine 7

Ainsi, la dernière semaine du programme de lecture d'été TD est venu et reparti. J'espère que ces 7 dernières semaines a été amusant pour vous, car ils ont été pour moi! Cet été, nous avons eu tellement de moments "Eureka!" et  nous avons découvrir beaucoup de nouvelles choses. Nous avons parlé de tout : de jardinage au mystère et océans à l'espace!

Pour la dernière semaine du club de lecture de notre thème était Nous sommes les inventeurs! Au lieu de parler des découvertes d'autres personnes, je voulais que chacun trouve leur propre créativité et ont eux-mêmes un moment Eureka.

Le premier livre qu’on a lu était :

Immédiatement, nous avons lu le deuxième livre :

Aujourd’hui nous avons joué beaucoup de jeux, premièrement nous sommes allés dehors et jouer avec un grand parachute! Nous avons joué plusieurs jeux avec le parachute, le chat et la souris, attaque du requin et aussi le champignon! 

Après avoir joué dehors pour un peu de temps, nous sommes allés à l'intérieur pour faire des inventions. Tout le monde était assis devant un bol de guimauves et des cure-dents. Ensuite, nous avons eu quelques compétitions, je leur ai donné une minute et 45 secondes pour faire le meilleur bâtiment qu'ils pouvaient. Ensuite, ils ont eu cinq minutes pour faire le meilleur robot qu'ils pouvaient!

Nous nous sommes assis et nous avons mangé des petits gâteaux et parler à propos de l’année scolaire et tous les choses excitant qui se passent cette année!

Merci à tous ceux qui ont participé, c’était grâce à vous que le premier programme français de la Bibliothèque était une réussite!