Week 2: It's a Bugs Life
Welcome back to the summer reading program! We had an absolutely super second week, because it was bug week! We learned cool facts about all sorts of different bugs. Did you know millipedes typically have between 40-400 legs! Imagine what you could do with that many legs? Then I asked the kids to tell me what their favorite bugs were. The general consensus was butterflies and ladybugs, because co'mon, who doesn't love them?
The first book we read was:
Welcome back to the summer reading program! We had an absolutely super second week, because it was bug week! We learned cool facts about all sorts of different bugs. Did you know millipedes typically have between 40-400 legs! Imagine what you could do with that many legs? Then I asked the kids to tell me what their favorite bugs were. The general consensus was butterflies and ladybugs, because co'mon, who doesn't love them?
The first book we read was:
Then after learning about how caterpillars become butterflies (and gnarlies do not!) I played a game where the kids had to identify which caterpillars were poisonous and which were safe:
Do you guys know the answers?
*Key: dangerous, safe, dangerous, safe, safe, dangerous
Then we read our second book:
Hi, Fly Guy! by Tedd Arnold
Hi, Fly Guy! by Tedd Arnold
Then we played a quick game of cookie face race! The goal was for the kids to place a cookie on their foreheads and get it in their mouths without using their hands. It was tricky!
But eventually everyone prevailed, because what is a better motivator than cookies?
Finally, we read our last book:
Everyone decided there's no way we could swallow a horse without cutting it up into little pieces first! Silly old lady.
Then we ended with our craft, paper butterfly puppets!
- Black construction paper
- Colored construction paper
- Glue
- White paint
- Q-tips
- Scissors
- Markers
- Crayons
- Popsicle stick
- Print off butterfly templates on the black and colored construction paper (a large one on the black paper, and a smaller one on the colored paper).
- Cut out butterflies from paper.
- Glue the smaller colored butterfly on the larger black one.
- Color a face and designs all over your butterfly.
- Paint along the black edges with the white paint using your q-tips.
- Glue the popsicle stick on the back of your butterfly.

Next week we're going to travel back in time to visit the dinosaurs! Stay tuned to hear all about our adventures!