Week 2: It's a Bugs Life
Welcome back to the summer reading program! We had an absolutely super second week, because it was bug week! We learned cool facts about all sorts of different bugs. Did you know millipedes typically have between 40-400 legs! Imagine what you could do with that many legs? Then I asked the kids to tell me what their favorite bugs were. The general consensus was butterflies and ladybugs, because co'mon, who doesn't love them?
The first book we read was:
The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle

Then after we learned how caterpillars turn into butterflies, we sang a song about butterflies too!
Five little butterflies by the door,
One flew away, then there were four.
Four little butterflies by the tree,
One flew away, then there were three.
Three little butterflies up in the blue,
One flew away, then there were two.
Two little butterflies out in the sun,
One flew away, then there was one.
One little butterfly now all alone,
She was so lonely, she flew home.
Then we read our second story:
Bugs Galore by Peter Stein

Since we had just learned about all sorts of different bugs, we decided to sing another song about them!
June bug, stink bug,
Ladybug, chinch bug,
Water bug, pink bug,
Please-don't-pinch bug!
Horsefly, housefly,
Dragonfly, deer fly,
Firefly, fruit fly,
Buzzing-in-your-ear fly!
Honeybee, bumblebee,
Queen bee, drone bee,
Worker bee, nurse bee,
Leave-me-alone bee!
Gypsy moth, luna moth,
Beetle and mosquito,
Bugs and insects
Really are neat-o!
Cockroach, katydid,
Cricket and cicada,
Grasshopper, mantis,
Catch you all later!
Then we read our third story:
Hey, Little Ant by Phillip Hoose

This story taught the kids that all living creatures have feelings, regardless of how big or small they are.
Then we sang one last song before craft time...
I’m being followed by a big brown spider,
I’m being followed by a big brown spider,
I’m being followed by a big brown spider,
And I don’t like it one bit.
Oh no, she’s up to my toe
Oh gee, she’s up to my knee
Oh fiddle, she’s up to my middle
Oh heck, she’s up to my neck
Oh dread, she’s on top of my head
And she tickles, tickles, tickles!!!
Lastly, we started our craft of the week. Paper bag butterflies!
Next week we're going to travel back in time to visit the dinosaurs! Stay tuned to hear all about our adventures!
Welcome back to the summer reading program! We had an absolutely super second week, because it was bug week! We learned cool facts about all sorts of different bugs. Did you know millipedes typically have between 40-400 legs! Imagine what you could do with that many legs? Then I asked the kids to tell me what their favorite bugs were. The general consensus was butterflies and ladybugs, because co'mon, who doesn't love them?
The first book we read was:
The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
Then after we learned how caterpillars turn into butterflies, we sang a song about butterflies too!
Five little butterflies by the door,
One flew away, then there were four.
Four little butterflies by the tree,
One flew away, then there were three.
Three little butterflies up in the blue,
One flew away, then there were two.
Two little butterflies out in the sun,
One flew away, then there was one.
One little butterfly now all alone,
She was so lonely, she flew home.
Then we read our second story:
Bugs Galore by Peter Stein

Since we had just learned about all sorts of different bugs, we decided to sing another song about them!
June bug, stink bug,
Ladybug, chinch bug,
Water bug, pink bug,
Please-don't-pinch bug!
Horsefly, housefly,
Dragonfly, deer fly,
Firefly, fruit fly,
Buzzing-in-your-ear fly!
Honeybee, bumblebee,
Queen bee, drone bee,
Worker bee, nurse bee,
Leave-me-alone bee!
Gypsy moth, luna moth,
Beetle and mosquito,
Bugs and insects
Really are neat-o!
Cockroach, katydid,
Cricket and cicada,
Grasshopper, mantis,
Catch you all later!
Then we read our third story:
Hey, Little Ant by Phillip Hoose

This story taught the kids that all living creatures have feelings, regardless of how big or small they are.
Then we sang one last song before craft time...
I’m being followed by a big brown spider,
I’m being followed by a big brown spider,
I’m being followed by a big brown spider,
And I don’t like it one bit.
Oh no, she’s up to my toe
Oh gee, she’s up to my knee
Oh fiddle, she’s up to my middle
Oh heck, she’s up to my neck
Oh dread, she’s on top of my head
And she tickles, tickles, tickles!!!
Lastly, we started our craft of the week. Paper bag butterflies!
- White paper lunch bags
- Paper doilies
- Bingo dotters
- Pipe cleaners
- Black marker
- Googly eyes
- Tape
- Glue
1. Start by coloring your bag.
2. Use the bingo dotters to decorate
your heart doilies.
3. Fold over the end of your heart doily
about an inch and glue it down to make a straight edge. Glue the doilies to the
front of the inside flaps on the side of the paper bag.
4. Glue on the googly eyes and draw a
smile with black marker.
5. Curl the pipe cleaner halves around
your finger and then tape them to the back of your paper bag.
Next week we're going to travel back in time to visit the dinosaurs! Stay tuned to hear all about our adventures!