Thursday, July 28, 2016

TD Summer Reading Club Week 4: Ages 9-12

Week 4: Under the Sea 

This week I had the kids put on their scuba gear for an underwater adventure! We talked about the different types of fish you can find in the ocean like dolphins, whales, sharks and eels. We all decided that it would be so cool if we could breathe under water and play with all the different fishies (as long as they don't bite)! We also learned that lots of the fishes you find in the ocean can camouflage themselves using patterns such as stripes, spots, or splotches.
 Can you find the ones in the pictures below?


After they were done finding all the fish in the pictures we went outside to play a couple games! 

- Shark!
  •  Put hula hoops on the ground to serve as dens for all the "fish." One child gets to be the shark. When the shark calls, "Fishie, fishie, cross my ocean," the fish have to move to a different den. If, while out of a den, the shark tags them, they get to be sharks as well. The last remaining fish becomes the first shark next time
- Crab Walk Relay Race 
  • Before the program, mark two goal lines across from each other using string or masking tape. The goal lines should be fairly close together (i.e. no more than 20 feet apart).
1. Divide the children into two teams; one team is the "Blue Crabs" and the other is the "King Crabs."
2. Have half of each team line up behind the starting line and the other half line up behind the opposing line, then demonstrate the "crab walk" for them (i.e. walking on your hands and feet with your belly up).
3. To start, the first child on each team gets into position on the starting line.
4. When you say, "Go!" each child should crab walk to the opposing line and tag the next player on his or her team.
5. The next player then crab walks back to the start line, tags a teammate, and so on until one team's last player has crossed the line and won the game.

Then we played a quick game of tag before it was time to go inside and make our craft! 

For our craft today we made cupcake liner jellyfish! Here's how you can too:


  • Paper bowls (cut in half)
  • Cupcake liners
  • Scissors 
  • Paint 
  • Black sharpie 
  • Hole punch
  • String
  • Hot glue 

  • Directions:

    1. Take the half of the bowl and punch a hole in the top of the arch.
    2. Have the kids decorate their half of a bowl with paint and bingo dotters. 
    3. While this is drying take some cupcake liners and flatten them, then proceed to start cutting them at the outside edge and spiral inwards. 
    4. Take the tentacles and hot glue them inside of the bowl. 
    5. Take a string and loop it through the hole then tie. 
    6. Draw a smiley face on the front of the bowl! :) 

    Get ready for next week as we learn about all the different things you can find in your garden! 

    TD Summer Reading Club Week 4: Ages 7-8

    Week 4: Under the Sea 

    This week I had the kids put on their scuba gear for an underwater adventure! We talked about the different types of fish you can find in the ocean like dolphins, whales, sharks and eels. We all decided that it would be so cool if we could breathe under water and play with all the different fishies (as long as they don't bite)! We also learned that lots of the fishes you find in the ocean can camouflage themselves using patterns such as stripes, spots, or splotches.
     Can you find the ones in the pictures below?


    The first story we read was:

    Then we read our second book:

    Then before we went outside to play we read our last story:

    Then we went outside to play "What Time Is It Mr. Shark?" and Simon Says! Everyone got a turn so it was fun to see what all the Simon's said to do. 

    Then we started our craft of the week, cupcake liner fishes! 

    • Blue construction paper
    • Construction paper cut into little triangles
    • Glue
    • Cupcake liners
    • Googly eyes
    • Markers
    • Black sharpie 
    • Jewels


    1. Choose two or three cupcake liners (blank or patterned).
    2. Place them on the blue construction paper and glue them down. 
    3. Use the little triangles as tails and glue those on as well. 
    4. Use the markers to draw plants, bubbles and other sea creatures on the page.
    5. Glue on the jewels where you'd like and the googly eyes on the cupcake liner fish. 
    6. Use the sharpie to draw a little face on your fish! 

    Get ready for next week as we learn about all the different things you can find in your garden! 

    TD Summer Reading Club Week 4: Ages 2-6

    Week 4: Under the Sea 

    This week I had the kids put on their scuba gear for an underwater adventure! We talked about the different types of fish you can find in the ocean like dolphins, whales, sharks and eels. We all decided that it would be so cool if we could breathe under water and play with all the different fishies (as long as they don't bite)! We also learned that lots of the fishes you find in the ocean can camouflage themselves using patterns such as stripes, spots, or splotches.
     Can you find the ones in the pictures below?


    The first story we read was:
    The Pout-Pout Fish by Deborah Diesen 

    Then we sang a song about all the different fish you can find in the ocean!

      Slippery fish, slippery fish, sliding through the water, 
    Slippery fish, slippery fish, gulp, gulp, gulp! 
    Oh no! It’s been eaten be an?
    Octopus, octopus, squiggling in the water,
    Octopus, octopus, gulp, gulp, gulp!
    Oh no! It’s been eaten by a?
    Tuna fish, tuna fish, flashing in the water, 
    Tuna fish, tuna fish, gulp, gulp, gulp! 
    Oh no! It’s been eaten by a?
    Great white shark, great white shark, lurking in the water, 
    Great white shark, great white shark, gulp, gulp, gulp!
    Oh no! It’s been eaten by a?
    Humongous whale, humongous whale, spouting in the water, 
    Humongous whale, humongous whale,
    Gulp! Gulp! Gulp! BURP?!

    Pardon me! 

    Then we read our second book:
    The Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson

    Then we played a quick game of "What Time Is It Mr. Shark?" before we read our last story:
    Barnacle is Bored by Jonathan Fenske 

    Then we sang one last fishy song, Take Me Out to the Ocean!

     Take me out to the ocean,
    Take me out to the sea, 
    There goes a starfish and sand dollar,
    I'm having such fun, I've just got to holler
    Oh, it's swim, swim, swim, underwater
    Catch a ride on a whale, don't fear,
    For the sea animals are our friends,
    Let's give a great big cheer!

    Then we started our craft of the week, paper plate fish! 

    • White construction paper or cardstock 
    • Markers 
    • Tissue paper cut into squares 
    • Googly eyes
    • Glue 


    1. Have the kids pick a fishy or two each.
    2. Take the markers to decorate.
    3. Then glue tissue paper wherever they’d like.
    4. Glue on the googly eyes.

    Get ready for next week as we learn about all the different things you can find in your very own gardens!

    Tuesday, July 26, 2016

    Club de Lecture: Semaine 4

    Semaine 4: Sous-Marine 

    Bon retour au Club de lecture d'été! Cette semaine, notre thème Ã©tait la vie sous-marine! Nous avons nagé sous l'eau et découvert beaucoup des différentes animales sous-marin, comme les pieuvres, les dauphins, les requins, et les hippocampes. Les enfants ont pensées que c'est trop "cool" si on peut monter Ã  dauphin! 

    Savez-vous que les poissons peuvent se camouflé? J'avais montrer aux enfants les différentes images avec les poissons qui se cachent dedans, peut-tu les trouver?

    Les trois livres qu'on a lus etaient: 

    Si j'avais un requin de Camilla de la Bédoyère

    Petit Paul de Ashley Spires

    Bloub, bloub, bloub de Yuichi Kasano

    Puis, après que nous sommes finissons de lire, on a allé dehors pour faire un cours des crabes! Voici les instructions:

    1. Former deux équipes qui se mettent en file indienne.
    2. Elle doivent avoir le même nombre de joueurs.
    3. Se mettre à quatre pattes. Marcher comme un crabe sur le côté. Faire "courir" deux joueurs à la fois jusqu'au but qui reviennent toucher le joueur suivant.

    4. L'équipe qui termine la course la première est la gagnante.

    Ils sont vraiment rapide!

    Avant qu'on a rentre dans la bibliothèque on a joué un autre jeux de "tag". 

    Finalement, après qu'on Ã©tait fatiguer de nos jouer, on a allé dedans la bibliothèque pour faissons notre travaux manuel. Cette semaine, on a crée les poissons dcaissettes en papier.

    • Papier de construction (couper en petite triangle)
    • Papier bleu 
    • Les caissettes en papier
    • Crayons
    • Paillette
    • Feutre noir 
    • Colle 
    • Les yeux en plastique 

    1. Choisi 3 ou 4 caissettes en papier et l’assortir sur la papier de construction.
    2. Organiser les caissettes en papier et les petites triangle comme tu veut sur ton papier bleu. Après cela utiliser le colle pour coller les pieces.
    3. Utiliser les crayons pour dessiner les vague and les plantes sous-marine sur ton papier – et autre chose si tu veut.
    4. Coller les paillettes autour de tes poissons. Coller aussi les yeux googly sur tes poissons.
    5. Utiliser un feutre pour dessiner un petite bouche! Voila! 

    N'oubliez pas d'apporter votre carnet de notes la prochaine fois, avec toutes vos lectures de la semaine dernière, alors vous pouvez entrer dans le prix hebdomadaire. Le prix sera tiré vendredi Ã  04h00! 

    Friday, July 22, 2016

    Club de Lecture: Semaine 3

    Semaine 3: Un Jour Avec Les Dinosaures

    Bon retour au Club de lecture d'été! Cette semaine, notre thème Ã©tait les dinosaures! Nous avons appris BEAUCOUP appropos des dinosaures! Savez-vous que le dinosaure le plus vite est l’ornithomimosaur (or-nee-though-mee-mo-soar), ils pourraient courir jusqu'à 40 kilometre par l’heure! C’est la vitesse que nous conduisons ici en Sylvan Lake! J'avais aussi demander aux enfants de me disent leur dinosaure 
    préféré, tout le monde sont d'accord que le meilleur est le T-Rex. 

    Les trois livres qu'on a lus etaient: 

    Dino et compagnie par Jack Tickle 

    10, 9, 8 dinosaures par Nicholas Oldland 

    Dino n'a plus de voix par Russell Punter 

    Après que nous sommes finissons de lire, on a allé dehors pour jouer les jeux! 
    Cette semaine on a joué deux jeux:

    1. Un jeu de poursuite appelé «se comporter comme les dinosaures» (semblable au bouledogue britannique) 

    2. Simon Dit 

    Nous avons s'amusé beaucoup dehors! 

    Finalement, après qu'on Ã©tait fatiguer de nos jouer, on a allé dedans la bibliothèque pour faissons notre travaux manuel. Cette semaine, on a crée les dinosaures en assiette de papier. 

    • Papier de construction 
    • Assiette de papier 
    • Crayons
    • Colle 
    • Marqueur de bingo 
    • Agrafeuse

    1. Imprimer les stencils sur le papier de construction en les couleurs differentes.
    2. Demander aux enfants de couper leur stencil.
    3. Donner un assiette en papier Ã  chaque enfants et les disent de decorer leur assiette comme ils veux, avec les marqueur de bingo et crayons…
    4. Quand ils sont finissent ils pouvaient agrafer les stencils en les correct place sur l’assiette en papier. 
    N'oubliez pas d'apporter votre carnet de notes la prochaine fois, avec toutes vos lectures de la semaine dernière, alors vous pouvez entrer dans le prix hebdomadaire. Le prix sera tiré vendredi Ã  04h00!