Friday, July 24, 2015

TD Summer Reading Program Week 4: Ages 7-8

Week 4: Play with food!
This week was all about food, which made the kids very excited! The first thing
we did was go around the circle and say all of our favourite foods. There were, of course, lots of ice cream, pizza and spaghetti! 

The first book we read was:

This book was about a boy who decided that he didn't want his mother's heathly balanced meals anymore so he took the cooking into his own hands. This, of course, lead to Finn cooking only with cookies, chocolate and ice cream, which made him very sick!

The first game we played was Food Alphabet we sat in a circle and each of us had to say a food that started with every letter of the alphabet. It was always hard for the last on sitting in the circle because all the easy ones had already been said!

A: apple, asparagus, almonds.
B:banana, bread.
C: cabbage, cake, corn, cereal.
D: donuts.
E: eggs,eel.
F:fish, french toast,fig.
G: grapes, garlic, guacamole.
H:ham, honey, hot dogs.
I:Ice cream.
J: jam, jello.
K: kiwi, ketchup.
L:lettuce, lamb, lasagna.
M:meatballs, milk.
N:noodles, Nutella.
O: Orange.
P: pizza, pepper, pancakes.
Q: quinoa, quiche.
R: rice.
S: spaghetti, spinach.
T:Toast, tomato.
U: We couldn't think of anything!
V: vegetables.
W: waffles, watermelon.
X: We couldn't think of anything!
Y: Yogurt
Z: Zucchini.

The second book we read was:
Then we went outside for an egg toss (not with really eggs of course, that would a very big mess!) The most amount of steps that someone took was 20 steps back!

The last book we read was:

After we read this book we thought about all the silly ways we could eat our food. I think the best answer was eating spaghetti using your feet while flying through the air on a trapeze!!

For our craft today we did potato printing!
Here is what you need:

-pre-cut potatoes in various shapes (stars, hearts, squares, circles)
-piece of fabric
-various colors of paint

-with paintbrush, paint potato and then stamp onto fabric. It's as easy as that!!

Next week our theme is Play Around the World! So bring your passports.