The first story we read was:
We all thought it would be SUPER cool if we could go to Superhero school. The only thing was that at this superhero school you had to learn math..and no one wanted to do that.
The second book we read was:
The third book we read was:
We played a couple games following storytime! The first game we played was "Superhero Four Corners" here is how you play:
Pick someone to be "it." This person stands at the front with her back to the group. Designate 4 corners with a different superhero name and picture (We had superman, batman, spider man and captain america) . Start the kids at the center and have them find a corner to stand in, while “it” counts to 10. The "it" person, without looking, calls a superhero. Eliminate the players in the corner that was called out. These players sit down in the middle, where they started. Call out for them to pick a new corner. Repeat until only one player is left. This person is "it" next.
The next game we played was a Kryptonite Hunt. I hid little balls of tinfoil all around the programming room and the children had to go and search for them. When they brought them back to me, I had them complete a task!
Here's how to make your own superhero!
-Brown Paper Bag
-Foam or paper
-Glue Stick
1. Cut out your superhero mask, chest plate and cape and glue them onto your brown paper bag.
2. Using markers decorate your superhero with eyes, stars and what ever you'd like!
3. Glue your pipe cleaner arms to the side. (You may also need to staple them to make them extra sturdy)
Check out some pictures from the week!
Since the PanAm games are happening in Toronto next week, join us for our own mini-PanAm Games at the library!!
Don't forget to bring your reading logs to every program so we can keep track of your reading. See you next week!