Friday, November 28, 2014

Letter K

Letter K –Kittens, kangaroos, koalas, kookaburra, kingfisher, komodo dragon, karate, kings, keys, kiss, kiwi and kites

Storytime – Welcome Song and Storytime is Starting song.

Five little kittens
Five little kittens standing in a row (hold up 5 fingers)
They nod their heads to the children so (bend fingers)
They run to the left, they run to the right (run fingers to the left and then to the right)
They stand up and stretch in the bright sunlight (stretch fingers out tall)
Along comes a dog who's in for some fun (hold up one finger from opposite hand)
MEOW! See those little kittens run (let fingers run).

(Make a fist of left hand for kitty, and pet the kitty.)
Soft kitty, warm kitty
Little ball of fur
Lazy kitty, pretty kitty
purr, purr, purr

Song Rhyme: Koala Bear
Koala bear, koala bear, Turn around, (Turn around)
Koala bear, koala bear, Touch the ground (Touch the ground)
Koala bear, koala bear, Dance on your toes, (Dance on tip toes)

Koala bear, koala bear, Touch your nose (Touch your nose)
Koala bear, koala bear, Give a little clap, (clap)
Koala bear, koala bear, Take a nap (Put head on hands like sleeping)

Rhyme: Five Little Kites
Five bright kites I bought at the store. (five fingers)
Along came a strong wind, and now I have four. (thumb)
Four bright kites flying over the sea.
Along came a big wave, and now I have three. (index)
Three bright kites, I'll give one to you.
Three bright kites, now I have two. (middle finger)
Two bright kites flew too near to the sun.
Poor little kites! Now I have one. (ring down)
One bright kite - that's enough for me,
I'll keep it away from the kite - eating tree!

Craft- Kangaroo
Materials: Kangaroo body, head, arms and ears cut from brown construction paper, wood stick, paper cup, markers, glue, stapler, googly eyes.

Glue body, head, ears and arms to stick. Draw on nose and glue on googly eyes. Wrap legs around cup and staple to the paper cup to make a pouch.
Tippytoe Crafts: marsupials -- kangaroo cupsIdea from Tippytoe crafts