Friday, November 21, 2014

Letter J

Letter J –Jungle, jaguar, Jack, jellybeans, jam and jellyfish

Storytime – Welcome Song and Story time is starting song

Flannel board Nursery Rhyme: Jack and Jill
Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water
Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill went tumbling after
Then up Jack got and home did trot as fast as he could caper
He went to bed and patched his head
With vinegar and brown paper.
Read second story Monkey Truck, Sheep in a jeep

Song- Five Little Monkeys Swinging in a Tree
Five little monkeys swinging in a tree, Teasing the alligators, you can catch me, you can catch me....
Along came a alligator quiet as can be.......
And snapped that monkey right out of that tree!

Four little monkeys swinging in a tree, Teasing the alligators, you can catch me, you can catch me....
Along came a alligator quiet as can be.......
And snapped that monkey right out of that tree!

Three little monkeys swinging in a tree, Teasing the alligators, you can catch me, you can catch me....
Along came a alligator quiet as can be.......
And snapped that monkey right out of that tree!

Two little monkeys swinging in a tree, Teasing the alligators, you can catch me, you can catch me....
Along came a alligator quiet as can be.......
And snapped that monkey right out of that tree!

One little monkey swinging in a tree, Teasing the alligators, you can catch me, you can catch me....
Along came a alligator quiet as can be.......
And snapped that monkey right out of that tree!
No little monkeys swinging in a tree...

Song: Peanut Butter and Jelly
Peanut, Peanut Butter, Jelly. Peanut, peanut butter. Jelly.
First you take the peanuts and you dig em, you dig em, you dig em, dig em, dig em.
Then you crush em, you crush em, you crush em, crush em, crush em.
and you spread em, you spread em ……
Peanut, peanut butter. Jelly. Peanut, peanut butter. Jelly.
Then you take the berries and you pick em, you pick em, you pick em, pick em, pick em ……
Then you squish em, you squish em, you squish em, squish em, squish em…
Then you take the bread and you spread em, you spread em, you spread em, spread em, spread em ……
Peanut, peanut butter. Jelly. Peanut, peanut butter. Jelly
Then you take the sandwich and you bite it, you bite it, you bite it, bite it, bite it ….
Then you chew it, you chew it, you chew it, chew it, chew it…
Then you swallow, you swallow, you swallow, swallow, swallow (GULP)
Peanut, peanut butter. Jelly. Peanut, peanut butter. Jelly

Craft- Jaguar
Materials: Yellow construction paper jaguar head, body and legs, markers, glue, googly eyes

Glue together jaguar. Draw rosettes on the jaguar. Glue on googly eyes and draw on face.