Friday, November 14, 2014

Letter I

Letter I –Insects, Ice Cream, ice, igloo, island, iguanas, imagination, India and Italy

Storytime – Welcome Song and Storytime is Starting song.

Read first story The woods, Some bugs or Meanwhile

Fingerplay- The Itsy Bitsy Spider
The itsy bitsy spider crawled up the water spout. Down came the rain  and washed the spider out
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain and the itsy bitsy spider crawled up the spout again

Read second story Not a stick or Press here

Flannel Board Little Miss Muffet
Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet eating her curds and whey.
Along came a spider and sat down beside her.
And frightened Miss Muffet away!

Song: Baby Bumblebee
I'm bringing home a baby bumblebee, Won't my mommy be so proud of me, (Cup hands together as if holding bee)
I'm bringing home a baby bumblebee, Ouch! It stung me! (Shake hands as if just stung)
I'm squishing up the baby bumblebee, Won't my mommy be so proud of me, ('Squish' bee between palms of hands)
I'm squishing up a baby bumblebee, Ooh! It's yucky! (Open up hands to look at 'mess')
I'm wiping off the baby bumblebee, Won't my mommy be so proud of me, (Wipe hands off on shirt)
I'm wiping off the baby bumblebee, Now my mommy won't be mad at me! (Hold hands up to show they are clean) 

Read third story Bugs galore, or Can't catch me

Song: The Insects Outside(To the tune of The Wheels on the Bus)
The fireflies at night go blink, blink, blink
Blink, blink, blink, blink, blink, blink
The fireflies at night go blink, blink, blink
Out in the garden.

The bees in the flowers go buzz, buzz, buzz
Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz
The bees in the flowers go buzz, buzz, buzz
Out in the garden.

Continue with the other verses as:
ants/in the grass/march
caterpillars/on the leaves/munch
spiders/in the bush/ spin their webs
butterflies in the sky/go flit
ladybug on the wall/ have lots of spots
worms/in the ground/ wiggle and squirm
mosquitos outside/ they get smacked

Song- Five Little Ice Cream Cones
Five little ice cream cones standing in a row, each has a scoop and an ice cream cone,
out came the sun and it shown all day, one little ice cream cone melted away

Four little ice cream cones...
Three little ice cream cones...
Two little ice cream cones...
One little ice cream cone...

Craft- Imaginative Insect
Materials: circle shape cut from card stock,wing shapes cut from cellophane, yarn, pipe cleaners, paper shapes, markers, glue, googly eye.

Wrap yarn around the cardstock shape, glue on wings. Glue on paper circles for eyes. Add pipe cleaners for antennae. Decorate in imaginative way.
Idea from Fem Manuals! on flikr