Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs, all around!
Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs, stomp the ground!
We read:
Drumheller Dinosaur Dance, by Robert Heidbreder
"By daylight, the Drumheller dinosaurs rest their ancient bones. But when the moon rises, so do these slumbering skeletons -- ready to tango, fandango, shimmy and shake! This exuberant read-aloud imagines what the dinosaur skeletons of world-famous Drumheller, Alberta, get up to when everyone's asleep. Kids will want to thumpity-thump along with these dynamic dinos as they dance across the dark, dusty Badlands." - Kids Can Press
We sang: Song: Dinosaur, Dinosaur (to the tune of: “Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear Chant”)
Dinosaur, dinosaur, stamp your feet.
(stomp feet)
Dinosaur, dinosaur, show your teeth.
(show teeth)
Dinosaur, dinosaur, swing your tail.
(sway arm back and forth)
Dinosaur, dinosaur, touch your scales.
(rub your belly)
Dinosaur, dinosaur, show your claws.
(bend fingers like claws)
Dinosaur, dinosaur, open your jaws.
(open mouth)
Dinosaur, dinosaur, give a roar.
(make a “roar” sound)
Dinosaur, dinosaur, sit on the floor.
(sit down)
We read:
How do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon? by Jane Yolen and Mark Teague
"Can you imagine dragging a very stubborn styracosaurus into the doctor's office? Or saying "Open wide" to a very sharp-toothed carnotaurus?
From enormous sneezes to gigantic wails, the outrageous antics of the mischievous young dinosaurs in this book are sure to bring laughter to anyone - large or small - who has ever said atchoo!" - Scholastic Audio
We sang: I’m A Mean Old Dinosaur (to the tune of: “I’m A Little Teapot”)
I’m a mean old dinosaur,
(make a mean face)
Big and tall.
(reach high and wide)
Here is my tail
(point to an imaginary tail)
And here is my claw.
(curl fingers on one hand)
When I get all hungry,
(rub tummy)
I just growl.
(growl the word growl with hands around
Look out kids
(hands over eyes looking)
I’m on the prowl!
(lunge left and right)
How do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight? By Jane Yolen and Mark Teague
"In a few simple lines of verse on each spread, fathers and mothers are ready to put their youngsters to bed. But in this book, the youngsters are a wide variety of dinosaurs. And how do dinosaurs say good night?
Filled with wonderful detail and humor, children and their parents will love the expressions and antics of the eleven different dinosaur children depicted here, and each species is spelled out somewhere in the young dinosaur's bedroom. In the end, young dinosaurs behave a lot like people do: They give a big kiss, turn out the light, tuck in their tails, and whisper "good night."
Here is a new staple for bedtime reading, a book children will ask for again and again." - Scholastic Audio
For our craft, we made dinosaur footprints!

Coming up next: wrinkly elephants!