Storytime – Welcome Song and Storytime is Starting Song
Fingerplay- Two Little Blackbirds
One named Jack (wiggle one thumb), and one named Jill (wiggle other thumb).
Fly away Jack (hide 1st thumb behind back) and fly away Jill (hide 2nd thumb behind back).
Come back Jack (bring out thumb), and come back Jill! (bring back thumb)
one named Near (hold thumb close to body) and one named Far (hold other thumb away from body).
Fly away Near (hide 1st thumb behind back), and fly away Far (hide 2nd thumb behind back).
Come back Near (bring out 1st thumb), and come back Far! (bring out 2nd thumb)
one named Quiet (whisper) and one named Loud! (shout)
Fly away Quiet (hide 1st thumb behind back), and fly away Loud (hide 2nd thumb behind back).
Come back Quiet (bring back thumb) and come back Loud! (bring back thumb)
Rhyme: Do Not Touch the Animals
Never pet a porcupine. Never poke a skunk. Never grab a tiger’s tooth, Or squeeze an elephant’s trunk.
Never pet a porcupine. Never poke a skunk. Never grab a tiger’s tooth, Or squeeze an elephant’s trunk.
Porcupines have prickly spines. A skunk’s scent smarts and stings. Tigers’ teeth are razor sharp. Elephants remember things.
Never punch
a crocodile. Never pinch a rat. Never whack a sleeping bear, Or tickle a
bob-tailed cat.
Crocodiles have mighty tails. Rats have strong, sharp claws. Bears don’t like to wake up fast. Bob-tailed cats have wicked jaws.
Read second story Cock-a-Doodle Quack! Quack!, Taking a bath with the Dog: and other things that make me happy or Why?
little ducks that I once knew fat ones, skinny ones, Fair ones, too
to the river they would go Wibble, wobble, wibble, wobble, To and fro
the one little duck with the feather on his back He led the others with a
quack, quack, quack Quack, quack, quack, Quack, quack, quack. He led the others
with a quack, quack, quack
from the river they would come Wibble, wobble, wibble, wobble, Ho, hum, hum
the one little duck with the feather on his back He led the others with a
quack, quack, quack Quack, quack, quack, Quack, quack, quack. He led the others
with a quack, quack, quack
Song: Five Little Ducks
Five little
ducks went out to play (hold up fingers), over the hills and far, far away. (make
arch with hand)
The mommy duck yelled "QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK". (quack with hand)
Four little
ducks came waddling back. (count down with fingers)
Four little
ducks went out to play, over the hills and far, far away. The mommy duck yelled
"QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK". Three little ducks came waddling back.
Three little
ducks went out to play, over the hills and far, far away. The mommy duck yelled
Two little ducks
came waddling back.
Two little ducks
went out to play, over the hills and far, far away. The mommy duck yelled
One little
duck came waddling back.
One little
duck went out to play, over the hills and far, far away. The mommy duck yelled
No little ducks came waddling back.
No little ducks came waddling back.
No little ducks went out to
play, over the hills and far, far away. The daddy duck yelled "QUACK QUACK
Five little ducks came waddling back.
Five little ducks came waddling back.
Craft- Quill Covered Porcupine
Materials: paper plate cut in half with edge trimmed off,
long quill shapes cut from construction paper, markers, glue, google eyes
Colour paper plate, draw on face. Glue on quills and googly
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