Storytime –
Welcome Song and Storytime is Starting Song
Read first story A Hole in the Bottom of the Sea, My Octopus Arms
(Put your palms together in a prayer position to resemble a fish and wiggle them together as if swimming)
Slippery fish, slippery fish, sliding through the water,
Slippery fish, slippery fish, Gulp, Gulp, Gulp!
Oh, no! It’s been eaten by an …
(Wave your arms up and down like the flailing arms of an octopus.)
Octopus, octopus, squiggling in the water
Octopus, octopus, Gulp, Gulp, Gulp!
Oh, no! It’s been eaten by a …
(Put your hands together with your fingers slightly bent and spread, keeping your palms touching each other. Open and close your hands as you sing.)
Tuna fish, tuna fish, flashing in the water,
Tuna fish, tuna fish, Gulp, Gulp, Gulp!
Oh, no! It’s been eaten by a …
(Place one hand, with fingers straight upwards, on top of your head.)
Great white shark, great white shark, lurking in the water,
Great white shark, great white shark, Gulp, Gulp, Gulp!
Oh, no! It’s been eaten by a …
(Make a large circle with your arms to make yourself into a humongous whale. Also deepen your tone for this verse.)
Humongous whale, humongous whale, spouting in the water,
Humongous whale, humongous whale,
Gulp! … Gulp! … Gulp! … BURP!
(Cover your mouth.) Excuse me!
Read second story Lazy Daisy, Cranky Frankie, Stop Snoring, Bernard!
Rhyme: The Ostrich
Here is the ostrich straight and tall, (raise one arm for ostrich) Nodding his head above us all.(use your raised wrist to 'nod' like an ostrich head) Here is the hedgehog prickly and small, (hold hands together with fingers in a panel) Rolling himself into a ball. (cup both hands into a ball) Here is the spider scuttling around (turn one hand over and wriggle fingers like a spider) Treading so lightly on the ground. (let fingers crawl on baby's arm or leg) Here are the birds that fly so high, (interlock both thumbs while rest of fingers spread out like a bird) Spreading their wings across the sky. Here are the children fast asleep, (pretend to be asleep) And in the night the owls do peep, (ring eyes with fingers for owl eyes) Too wee too wee too! |
Read third story Little Owl Lost
Song: Octopus
An octopus has eight long arms (Hold up four fingers
on each hand)
It lives in the sea, but don't be alarmed (Wave hands back and forth to show no worry)
He squirts out ink (Clap hands), when he is the prey
And grows a new arm when it's torn away.(Hold up arm as high as you can)
It lives in the sea, but don't be alarmed (Wave hands back and forth to show no worry)
He squirts out ink (Clap hands), when he is the prey
And grows a new arm when it's torn away.(Hold up arm as high as you can)
Craft- Owl
Materials: paper
plate folded along sides and top, cupcake liners, orange construction paper
feet and beak, glue, markers.
Colour paper
plate body, head and wings. Glue on cupcake liners for eyes on folded down top
of plate for the head. Glue on feet and beak.
Idea from
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