1. Storytime – Welcome Song
Storytime is starting, starting, starting.
Storytime is starting, come and listen to me.
2. Read first story “Pigeon wants a puppy”, “Don’t
3. Song: Pigeon on the Bus
The pigeon on the bus says "Can I drive? Can I drive? Can I drive?"
The pigeon on the bus says "Can I drive?" all around the town.
The children on the bus say "No, no no! No, no, no! No, no, no!”.
The children on the bus say "No, no no!" all around the town.
The children on the bus say "No, no no!" all around the town.
The pigeon on the bus says "Please, please, please! Please, please, please! Please, please, please!"
The pigeon on the bus says "Please, please, please!" all around the town.
The pigeon on the bus shouts "That's not fair! That’s not fair! That’s not fair!” 
The pigeon on the bus shouts “That’s not fair!” all around the town.
The pigeon on the bus shouts “That’s not fair!” all around the town.
4. Read second story “Knuffle Bunny”, “Knuffle bunny too”, “Elephant and Piggie”,
5. Fingerplay: Three Little Hot Dogs
Three little hot dogs frying in the pan.
The pan got hot, And one went BAM! (clap on "BAM")
Two little hot dogs frying in the pan.
The pan got hot, And one went BAM! (clap)
One little hot dog frying in the pan.
The pan got hot, And one went, "'Wait, Wait! Put me on your plate!"
6. Food Fun: Pigeon Poop
5 cups crunchy flake cereal
3 cups crisp rice cereal
2 1/2 cups mini marshmallows and raisins
1 Bag chocolate chips
Mix first 3 ingredients in a large bowl.
Melt the chocolate in the microwave for about 1 minute; stirring after 30 secs.
Pour the melted chocolate over the dry ingredients; stir well and quickly and spread on wax paper to cool.
Once cool, break into chunks that look like lovely pigeon poop.
7. Crafts: Pigeon Headband
Make headband. Cut large circle from blue paper, smaller circle from white paper, and small
circle from black.
7. Crafts: Pigeon Headband
Make headband. Cut large circle from blue paper, smaller circle from white paper, and small
Layer together with glue to make the head and eye of the pigeon. Using two strips of blue paper, attach to eye and staple to each side of headband to make a “Bobble-head Pigeon Headband”.
4’s and 5’s Craft: Knuffle Bunny Picture
Using black and white photocopies add own drawings of their “knuffle bunnies” and themselves in same style as Mo Willems books.