Age 2’s and 3’s, 4’s and 5’s
Duration 45 minutes
1. Storytime – Welcome Song
Storytime is starting, starting, starting.
Storytime is starting, come and listen to me.
2. Read first story “That's Not My Lion”, "We're Going On A Lion Hunt", "Ahchoo Lion's Got the Flu" Or "Library
3. Song: Like a Lion - sung to "Mary had a little Lamb"
March comes in like a lion,like a lion, like a lion.
March come in like a lion,and goes out like a lamb.
March comes in with a great big wind,great big wind, great big wind.
March comes in with a great big wind,and goes out with a breeze.
Guess Who ?!?
Growl, growl
Thud, thud (slap floor)
Roar, roar
Who's that knocking at the door?
Pound, pound (hit floor)
Stamp, stamp
Scratch, scratch (scratch floor)
Who's that wiggling at the latch?
Can a pig be at my door? (oink)
No pigs don't roar!
Can a cow be wiggling my latch?
No, cows can't scratch.
Roar, roar
Scratch, scratch
Growl, grow
It's not an owl (hoot, hoot)
I know who it can be
A friendly lion visiting me!
4. Read second story “ How Loud is a Lion?", "Roar a Noisy Counting Book", "Just Like My Dad", or "Deep in the Jungle".
5. Fingerplay: I’m A Lion
I love to sleep out in the sun, (Rest cheek on folded hands.)
And chase other animals just for fun. (Run in place)
In all the jungle, I’m Number One. (Hold up pointed finger.)
I’m a lion!
6. Crafts: Lion Mask
Using small paper plate, glue on eyes, nose, and lips.
Color them before/or after gluing on.
Curl and glue on coloured mane strips.