Friday, December 4, 2015

I Scream You Scream We All Scream for Ice Cream: Story Time Letter I

I is for inn, isle, icky, iguana, Italy, inspection, impossible, idle, intro, ill, and ice cream!

For stories we read:

What If ...? by Anthony Browne

I am Going! by Mo Willems

I Broke My Trunk! by Mo Willems

Introducing Coffee, by Adrienne Varty

I Love My New Toy! by Mo Willems

I'm a Frog! by Mo Willems

We sang: 

The Itsy Bitsy Spider


Our felt-board stories were: 

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

5 Cranky Crabs

Five cranky crabs were digging on the shore.
One swam into a net and then there were four.
Four cranky crabs were floating in the sea.
One got tangled up in seaweed then there were three.
Three Cranky crabs were wondering what to do.
One dug a deep, deep hole. Then there were two.
Two cranky crabs were warming in the sun.
One got scooped up in a mug. Then there was one.
One cranky crab was smarter than his friends.
He hid between the jagged rocks.
That's how the story ends.


5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed

For craft, we made ice cream cones: 

For our snack, we had some yummy ice cream!

What's your favorite ice cream flavor? 

See you next week for jumping letter J! We're making jester hats!