Friday, July 25, 2014

TD Summer Reading Club Week 3:Ages 9-12

We went on an out of this world adventure for the third week of the Summer Reading Program! We talked about all the different planets and named as many as we could remember. There are eight planets in total: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. We talked about the first living thing that went into space: it was a dog!! On November 3rd 1957, a Russian dog named Laïka was launched into space in a shuttle called Spoutnik II. We learned some really awesome facts about space: like if you wrote something on the moon's surface it would stay there for millions of years because there isn't any wind or rain on the moon! 

Here are some other facts we learned!
One million Earths could fit inside the Sun
•Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system with a surface temperature of over 450 degrees celcius
•Saturn isn't the only ringed planet, other gas giants such as Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune also have rings, they are just less obvious.
•The USA’s NASA Apollo 11 mission in 1969 was the first manned Moon landing.

•To become a NASA trainee, you are required to be a US citizen, you must pass a strict physical examination, have 20/20 vision, and good blood pressure.

The first activity we did was an Astronaut obstacle course, it was so much fun!! This was the order of the obstacles:
10 Jumping Jacks
15 Hoola Hoops Circles
Limbo under the stick
Blow up a ballon
Re-create the lego rocket ship
Crawl under the chair
Run back to the beginning without dropping the egg off the spoon.

We had a first round, the semifinals and the finals! The kids were very very tired and none of them wanted to be astronauts anymore! So we went inside to make our alien UFOs, we took a plastic bowl and covered it with tinfoil, put the alien (made out of yarn) inside the cup and taped it all together!

The spotlight will be on you next week because You're a Star!! come join at center stage to talk about puppets, theater and so much more!

Don’t forget to bring in your reading notebook next time, with all your readings from the past week so you can enter into the weekly prize. The prize will be drawn Friday at 4:00!