March to the Beat of your own Drum: Week 2
We jumped right into
our first book:
There was an old
lady who swallowed a fly by Simms Taback
Everyone thought it
was absolutely absurd that she could have swallowed a horse and they all
promised that they would never swallow a one!!
To really test their
music knowledge we played a game of Name that Tune! I hummed different
children’s songs and we all guessed the names of them. We sang the following songs: Row Row Row your
boat, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Happy Birthday and I’m a little teapot.
The second story we read was:
The Seals on the Bus by Lenny Hort.
The next activity we transformed into
musicians and played some rhythms with shakers. We played a “repeat after me”
game and everyone could definitely become shaker musicians! Every one had a turn to become the leader and some we created some wonderful music together!
The last thing we
did before our craft was sing along to the book:
“If you’re happy and you know it” by Anna McQuinn
For the older groups we also read Zin! Zin! Zin! A violin. While reading
we played an activity too, every time a musical instrument was mentioned the
kids had to point to a printed off picture of the instrument!
Now with everyone
very very happy and filled to the brim with musical knowledge we made our musical craft! Which was a Kazoo!
All you need to make
this fantastic kazoo is a toilet paper roll, a piece of wax paper, elastic
band, paper to decorate and stickers and markers to decorate!
The children were
all very happy with their new noise makers and the programming room was nice a
loud for this week!
Here are some other musical books you can read!:
Next week is going
to be an Out of This World Adventure! Come join as we explore space,
rockets and astronauts.
Don’t forget to bring in your reading notebook next time, with all your
readings from the past week so you can enter into the weekly prize. The prize
will be drawn Friday at 4:00!