Thursday, July 31, 2014

TD Summer Reading Club Week 4: Ages 7 and 8


For the fourth week it was all about you! We talked about actors, actresses, puppets and of course the theater. At the beginning of the program we discussed the plays or recitals that we had been a part of, and if we ever got nervous while performing!
We started storytime, as always, with our wiggle and jiggle song and we all sat like a quiet audience while we read the first story:

The first activity that we did was discovering emotions. Since actors and
actresses rely a lot on their facial expressions, we decided to see how many expressions we could do. So we were all happy, sad, angry, hungry, tired (this one wasn’t too hard to pretend in the morning class :p) cold, hot and excited!

We seemed to be on the theme of backstage cats today because the second book that we read was : 

We loosened up our tongues with some tongue-twisters here are some of the tough sayings we said: 

  • She sells seashells on the seashore.

  • Flash message. Flash message.
  • Mix a box of mixed biscuits with a boxed biscuit mixer.
  • A proper copper coffee pot.
  • I saw Esau sitting on a seesaw. Esau, he saw me.
  • Toy boat. Toy boat. Toy boat.
  • Lovely lemon liniment.
  • Six thick thistle sticks. Six thick thistles stick.
The last book we read was: 

We had a giant dance party ourselves and we all showed each other our best dance party moves!

Our craft for today was different animal puppets, by the end of the program we had owls, tigers, frogs and elephants lurking around! 
You can check out all the different paper bag animals at this website!

Bring your magnifying glass and sleuthing skills because next week we will be asking ourselves Whodunit? It will be a week of mystery, detectives and sleuthing!

Don’t forget to bring in your reading notebook next time, with all your readings from the past week so you can enter into the weekly prize. The prize will be drawn Friday at 4:00!

Friday, July 25, 2014

EUREKA! Club de lecture d'été: Semaine 3

Cette semaine, nous avons appris tout au sujet de l'espace! Nous avons parlé des différentes planètes et nous avons appelé tous ensemble: Mercure, Vénus, la Terre, Mars, Jupiter, Saturne, Uranus et Neptune.  Nous avons parlé d’une chienne prénommée Laika qui est le premier être vivant à s’être retrouvé dans l’espace. C’était le 3 novembre 1957, à bord du Spoutnik II, que l’animal a quitté la Terre pour commencer sa courte aventure dans l’espace.

Le premier livre qu’on a lu était :

Nous avons joué un jeu de gravité où nous avons imaginé que nous étions sur la lune et nous avons avons dû déplacer très lent.Ensuite nous avons imaginé que nous étions sur la terre où nous sommes déplacés très vite! 

Le deuxieme livre qu'on a lu était:

Voici quelques faits d’espace qu’on a discutés!
   -Dans l'espace, lorsque l'on se brosse les dents, la seule manière d’éliminer le dentifrice est de l’avaler!
    -Il n’y a ni vent ni pluie dans l’espace. Ainsi, si un astronaute laisse l’empreinte de son pied sur la Lune, elle y restera pour au moins un million d’années.
   -Sergei Krikalev, un astronaute russe, détient le record de la durée totale de séjour dans l’espace. Durant sa carrière, il a passé 803 jours, 9 heures et 39 minutes dans l’espace.
    -Comme le lavage prendrait trop d’eau, les astronautes portent leurs vêtements jusqu’à ce qu’ils soient trop sales puis les jettent. Ceux-ci se retrouvent dans le véhicule de ravitaillement russe Progress avec les déchets. Le tout brûle dans l’atmosphère au retour.
Ensuite nous avons lu deux livres : 

L'activité que nous avons faite était un engin extraterrestre.Nous avons utilisé un bol en plastique, papier d'aluminium, une tasse en plastique et le fil pour créer tout cela!
Ensuite, nous avons tous décoré une étoile avec notre nom, puis accroché sur le ciel de nuit.

La semaine prochaine, il s'agit de vous !  Venez nous rejoindre au centre de la scène pour parler de marionnettes, le théâtre et bien plus encore!
N'oubliez pas d'apporter votre carnet de notes la prochaine fois, avec toutes vos lectures de la semaine dernière, alors vous pouvez entrer dans le prix hebdomadaire. Le prix sera tiré vendredi à 04h00!

TD Summer Reading Club Week 3:Ages 9-12

We went on an out of this world adventure for the third week of the Summer Reading Program! We talked about all the different planets and named as many as we could remember. There are eight planets in total: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. We talked about the first living thing that went into space: it was a dog!! On November 3rd 1957, a Russian dog named Laïka was launched into space in a shuttle called Spoutnik II. We learned some really awesome facts about space: like if you wrote something on the moon's surface it would stay there for millions of years because there isn't any wind or rain on the moon! 

Here are some other facts we learned!
One million Earths could fit inside the Sun
•Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system with a surface temperature of over 450 degrees celcius
•Saturn isn't the only ringed planet, other gas giants such as Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune also have rings, they are just less obvious.
•The USA’s NASA Apollo 11 mission in 1969 was the first manned Moon landing.

•To become a NASA trainee, you are required to be a US citizen, you must pass a strict physical examination, have 20/20 vision, and good blood pressure.

The first activity we did was an Astronaut obstacle course, it was so much fun!! This was the order of the obstacles:
10 Jumping Jacks
15 Hoola Hoops Circles
Limbo under the stick
Blow up a ballon
Re-create the lego rocket ship
Crawl under the chair
Run back to the beginning without dropping the egg off the spoon.

We had a first round, the semifinals and the finals! The kids were very very tired and none of them wanted to be astronauts anymore! So we went inside to make our alien UFOs, we took a plastic bowl and covered it with tinfoil, put the alien (made out of yarn) inside the cup and taped it all together!

The spotlight will be on you next week because You're a Star!! come join at center stage to talk about puppets, theater and so much more!

Don’t forget to bring in your reading notebook next time, with all your readings from the past week so you can enter into the weekly prize. The prize will be drawn Friday at 4:00!

TD Summer Reading Club Week 3:Ages 7 and 8

We went on an out of this world adventure for the third week of the Summer Reading Program! We talked about all the different planets and named as many as we could remember. There are eight planets in total: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. We talked about the first living thing that went into space: it was a dog!! On November 3rd 1957, a Russian dog named Laïka was launched into space in a shuttle called Spoutnik II. We learned some really awesome facts about space: like if you wrote something on the moon's surface it would stay there for millions of years because there isn't any wind or rain on the moon! 

Here are some other facts we learned!
One million Earths could fit inside the Sun
•Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system with a surface temperature of over 450 degrees celcius
•Saturn isn't the only ringed planet, other gas giants such as Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune also have rings, they are just less obvious.
•The USA’s NASA Apollo 11 mission in 1969 was the first manned Moon landing.

•To become a NASA trainee, you are required to be a US citizen, you must pass a strict physical examination, have 20/20 vision, and good blood pressure.

The first book we read was Aliens love Underpants (and we loved this story!)

We pretended to be on the moon for our next game, which was a gravity motion game. We moved around really fast while we were still on earth and the moment I said “We’re on the Moon!” we started moving really slow like we were moving through jello. 

The second book we read was How to Catch a Star: 

I tested everyone's space knowledge with some Trivia Questions! Here are some of the questions I asked:
-Is the Sun a planet or a star? (A Star)
-What's the closest planet to the sun? (Mercury)
-About how long does it take the moon to orbit the Earth? (28 days)
-From which direction do we see the sun rise? (East)

The last book we read was Baloney (Henry P.)

We moved onto our first craft which was our Summer Reading Program Wall of Stars! We all decorated a star with our name then hung it on the night sky.

Our second craft was our Alien UFO. We took a plastic bowl and covered it with tinfoil, put the alien (made out of yarn) inside the cup and taped it all together!

These UFOs also doubled as alien hats!!

Are you looking for some other space books? Here are some suggestions! 

The spotlight will be on you next week because You're a Star!! come join at center stage to talk about puppets, theater and so much more!

Don’t forget to bring in your reading notebook next time, with all your readings from the past week so you can enter into the weekly prize. The prize will be drawn Friday at 4:00!

TD Summer Reading Club Week 3: Ages 2-6


We went on an out of this world adventure for the third week of the Summer Reading Program! We talked about all the different planets and named as many as we could remember. There are eight planets in total: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. We talked about the first living thing that went into space: it was a dog!! On November 3rd 1957, a Russian dog named Laïka was launched into space in a shuttle called Spoutnik II. 

The first space adventure book we read was Pete the Cat: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

All aboard the space ship! We were all space ships while we sang a 3,2,1 Blastoff song!
Climb aboard the spaceship,

We're going to the moon.
hurry and get ready,
We're going to blast off soon.
Put on your helmets
And buckle up real tight.
Here comes the countdown,
Let's count with all our might.
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1---BLAST OFF

The second book we read was I took the moon for a walk:

The next thing we talked about was the moon! And it was a very special occasion because this week was the 45th anniversary of the first walk on the moon. We talked about the weather conditions and how all the foot prints that are on the moon are going to stay there for the millions of years since there isn’t rain or wind on the moon. How cool!
We pretended to be on the moon for our next game, which was a gravity motion game. We moved around really fast while we were still on earth and the moment I said “We’re on the Moon!” we started moving really slow like we were moving through jello. 

We did two crafts/activities today. The first was decorating a little star with their names so we could stick it on our “Wall of Stars” 
Our second craft was a rocket ship, everyone drew windows with astronauts waving from them and then we used cotton balls for the blast off steam! 

Looking for more outer-space adventure books? Here are some suggestions!

The spotlight will be on you next week because You're a Star!! come join at center stage to talk about puppets, theater and so much more!

Don’t forget to bring in your reading notebook next time, with all your readings from the past week so you can enter into the weekly prize. The prize will be drawn Friday at 4:00!