Friday, July 19, 2013

TD's Summer Reading Club Week Two: 2s and 3s

The second week of the Summer Reading Club is behind us! Where is the time going? If you haven't already gotten your reading passport stickered and filled out a ballot for this week's prize draw, do so before 4:00 today!

This week we explored the Eiffel Tower! Did you know that when it was first built, people thought it was so ugly, it was planned to be torn down in just 20 years? Now it serves as a beacon of love, and people travel from all over the world to see it!

Our 2s and 3s' first story was "Renée Marie of France", by Maya Angelou, about a young girl on a class trip to see the Eiffel Tower. At first she's afraid of heights, but a new friend helps her conquer her fears.

At the end of this story, Renée asks everyone how tall they are, so we all stood up to see who was the tallest.

Then we learned some cool Eiffel Tower facts:

- Even if everyone in the room stood on each other's shoulders, they still wouldn't be as tall as the Eiffel Tower.
- The Eiffel Tower has to be painted every 7 years so that it doesn't rust. It takes 18 months to paint the entire tower with lead-free paint.
- The Eiffel Tower weighs about 10 000 tonnes!
- A nickname for the Eiffel Tower is La Dame de Fer (the Iron Lady).

I let the kids pick our next story, and they chose, "The Moon Was the Best", by Charlotte Zolotow, a sweet story about a mother telling her daughter about all the things she would have liked in Paris.

Next we moved into our art! The kids got a couple of Eiffel Tower cut-outs and some children to glue onto their pages, and then decorated their pictures with markers.

After our art, some of the kids did our Eiffel Tower puzzles.

Every child got a gummy bear at the end of the program.

Next week we explore the Great Wall of China!