Friday, July 26, 2013

TD's Summer Reading Club Week Three: 7s and 8s

Three week down, three weeks to go! The summer is just flying past!

This week in the Summer Reading Club, we explored the Great Wall of China! The kids had a great time building their Great Walls out of sugar cubes, icing, and some marshmallows (I'm not sure the parents were as pleased, but the kids had a great time!).

While the kids were building their sections of the wall, we read, "You wouldn't want to work on the Great Wall of China", by Jacqueline Morley, a story that puts you right in the shoes of the people who built the wall all those years ago.

Along with our tasty Great Walls, we also made China flags. The kids painted their flags onto a paper plate:

Some found it easier to paint the stars first, and then paint the red around them (though the red kind of looks pink here).

While waiting for their paint to dry, some used extra plates to paint whatever they wanted:

Finally, we made some Great Wall of China banners, using our handprints to make the wall:

Remember, we draw for prizes every Friday at 4:00!

Next week, we explore the Great Pyramids of Egypt!