Saturday, September 1, 2012

1000 Books Week Fourteen

School bells are ringing. Summer break is behind us. The days are getting shorter and shorter. The air is getting crisper. Soon the leaves will start to change, birds will migrate south. Halloween, Thanksgiving, and then Christmas!

Anyone else wondering where the time went?

More kids are winning prizes by reading books! Congratulations to Linaya, Ryanne, and Penelope! Great reading! Keep up the awesome work!

Last week's Book of the Week was "The Castle", by Claude Millet, a fun story about the ins and outs of medieval castles.

Our Fourteenth Book of the Week is "Z is for Moose", by Kelly Bingham.

"Z is for Zebra.
Zebra is absolutely certain he’ll be able to direct everyone to appear on the correct page, at the appropriate time, without any mishaps, unnecessary drama, or hurt
feelings. It’s the ABCs, for goodness’ sake. How difficult can it be?
Oh, dear.
Zebra forgot about moose."
And finally, we have our first Star Reader of the Week! Congratulations to Easton for being a Star Reader!