Age 2’s and 3’s, 4’s and 5’s
1. Storytime – Welcome Song
Storytime is starting, come and listen to me.
2. Read first story The Big Wide-Mouthed Frog, Frog went a-courtin', Beware of the Frog, or Fish is Fish,
5 green and speckled frogs Sat on a hollow log
Eating some most delicious bugs - yum, yum
One jumped into the pool Where it was nice and cool
Now there are 4 green, speckled frogs - glub, glub
4 green and speckled frogs... etc
3 green and speckled frogs... etc
2 green and speckled frogs... etc
1 green and speckled frog Sat on a hollow log
Eating some most delicious bugs - yum, yum
He jumped into the pool Where it was nice and cool
Now there are no green, speckled frogs - glub, glub!
4. Read second story The Frog in the Bog, One Frog Sang, Excuse Me!, Froggy Eats Out or The Mysterious Tadpole.
Five little frisky frogs hopping on the shore. (Hold up five fingers. hop.)
One hopped into the pond- SPLASH! (Call “splash” loudly throw hands out and up.)
So then there were just four.
One hopped into the pond- SPLASH! (Call “splash” loudly throw hands out and up.)
So then there were just four.
Four little frisky frogs climbing up a tree. (Hold up four fingers. Climb.)
One fell into the grass - BOOM! (Fall and call “boom” loudly.)
So then there were just three.
Three little frisky frogs bathing in the dew. (Hold up 3 fingers. Wash face and body.)
One caught a sneezy cold - AHHCHOO! (Cover nose and sneeze loudly.)
So then there were just two.
Two little frisky frogs sleeping in the sun. (Hold up two fingers and sleep.)
One slept the day away - SNORE! (Snore loudly.)
So then there was just one.
One little frisky frog sitting on a stone. (Hold up 1 finger, lean chin on hand and look sad.)
Let’s call his four friends back - YOO - HOO! (Cup hands around mouth.)
So he won’t be all alone. (Hold up five fingers and smile)
6. Craft: Frog on a Lily pad
Frog shape, lily pad shape, tissue paper, googly eyes, glue, markers
Cut out shapes, glue green tissue paper pieces onto lily pad. Glue frog shape onto the lily pad.