1. Storytime – Welcome Song
Storytime is starting, come and listen to me.
2. Read first story I'm Not Scared, Feathers for Lunch, Inch by Inch, Birds , or Giggle, Giggle, Quack
3. Poem: Two Little Blackbirds
Two little blackbirds [Wiggle both hands.]
Sitting on a hill
One named Jack [Wiggle right hand.]
Sitting on a hill
One named Jack [Wiggle right hand.]
One named Jill. [Wiggle left hand.]
Fly away Jack [Hide right hand behind back.]
Fly away Jill [Hide left hand behind back.]
Come back Jack [Bring right hand back.]
Come back Jill. [Bring left hand back.]
Fly away Jill [Hide left hand behind back.]
Come back Jack [Bring right hand back.]
Come back Jill. [Bring left hand back.]
5. Finger Play: Feathered Birds
Five feathered birds sitting on the door;
One flew away and then there were four.
Four feathered birds singing in the tree,
One flew away and then there were three.
Three feathered birds looking at you,
One flew away and then there were two.
Two feathered birds sitting in the sun,
One flew away and then there was one.
One feathered bird looking like a hero,
He flew away and now there are zero!
One flew away and then there were four.
Four feathered birds singing in the tree,
One flew away and then there were three.
Three feathered birds looking at you,
One flew away and then there were two.
Two feathered birds sitting in the sun,
One flew away and then there was one.
One feathered bird looking like a hero,
He flew away and now there are zero!
6. Crafts: Robin
Materials: circle shapes from brown construction paper folded in half, red crepe paper, strips of paper, orange squares, scissors, glue.
Wad up squares of crepe paper into balls, glue balls onto breast area of the folded circle. Draw on eye. Glue on orange beak.