Groundhog’s Day
- Storytime – Welcome Song and Storytime is Starting Song
- Read first story Darkness Slipped In, Gregory's Shadow, or Shadow Night
- Fingerplay: Groundhog Day (to the tune of "Where is Thumbkin?)
Here I am! Here I am! (Bring thumb forward)
Shadows on this sunny day, (wiggle thumb)
Frighten groundhogs all away. (Thumb behind back)
Winter will stay! Winter will stay!
Here I am! Here I am! (Bring thumb forward)
My, oh my, a cloudy day. (Wiggle thumb)
I will stay outside to play. (Move thumb around)
Spring is near! Spring is near!
- Read second story Footprints and Shadows, Guess Whose Shadow?
- Sing: Five Little Groundhogs
The first little groundhog crept out of his lair. (fingers creep)
The second little groundhog said, "Is spring in the air?" (eyes look up)
The third little groundhog asked, "Is the time right?" (look at wrist watch)
The fourth little groundhog squirmed, "The sun is too bright!" (cover eyes)
The fifth little groundhog squeaked' "My shadow I see!" (look over shoulder at shadow)
"I'm not staying out here! No, siree! Not ME! (shake head "no")
"Back to my burrow I'm going to creep." (fingers creep)
"And for six more weeks I'm going to sleep!" (eyes closed, hands by face)
The second little groundhog said, "Is spring in the air?" (eyes look up)
The third little groundhog asked, "Is the time right?" (look at wrist watch)
The fourth little groundhog squirmed, "The sun is too bright!" (cover eyes)
The fifth little groundhog squeaked' "My shadow I see!" (look over shoulder at shadow)
"I'm not staying out here! No, siree! Not ME! (shake head "no")
"Back to my burrow I'm going to creep." (fingers creep)
"And for six more weeks I'm going to sleep!" (eyes closed, hands by face)
- Craft: Groundhog Puppet
You will need: Paper bag, copy of groundhog, markers, scissors, glue
Colour groundhog, cut out and glue on bag.
Colour groundhog, cut out and glue on bag.