Friday, February 18, 2011



 Time for 2's and 3's and Fun for 4's and 5's

Music: Yummy Yummy by the Wiggles


1.            Welcome and Storytime is Starting Songs

3.            Fingerplay: PIZZA
Five leftover pizza pieces From the night before,
Dad came and ate one, Gulp! Then there were four.

Four leftover pizza pieces One with pepperoni
Mom came and ate one. Gulp! Then there were three.

Three leftover pizza pieces, Cheese like sticky glue.
Brother came and ate one, Gulp! Then there were two.

Two leftover pizza pieces Not having any fun.
Sister came to take one, Gulp and then there was one.

One leftover pizza piece But I don’t wanna be a hog.
So I went and got it And shared it with the dog!

5.            Song: TWO FAT SAUSAGES
Two fat sausages sizzling in the pan       Hold thumbs up like hitchhiking
One went POP                                          Smack lips- POP!
And the other went BAAAAAM!              Clap hands together BAM!

Peanut Sitting on A Railroad Track

A peanut sat on a railroad track
His heart was all aflutter (pat hand over heart.)
Around the bend came number ten, (hold up ten fingers).
Choo-Choo Peanut Butter (pretend you are pulling whistle.)
Smack (clap hands together).

6.            Craft: Play dough