Saturday, November 7, 2009


Age 2’s and 3’s, 4’s and 5’s
Duration 45 minutes

1. Welcome Song and Storytime Song
Storytime is starting, starting, starting. Storytime is starting come listen with me.
2. Read first story Bedtime at the Swamp, Five Ugly Monsters, My Monster Mama Loves Me, Monster, Don't Eat Me!, or Saturday Night at the Beastro .

5 scary monsters howling out a roar,
One ran away, and then there were four.
4 scary monsters hiding in a tree,
One fell out, and then there were three.

3 scary monsters eating spider stew,
One got sick, and then there were two.
Two scary monsters having lots of fun,
One ran away, and then there was one.
One scary monster, afraid to be a hero,
He ran away, and then there were zero.

4. Song: If You Ever See A Monster (Tune: Did you ever see a lassie)
If you ever see a monster, a big ugly monster.
If you ever see a monster, here's what you do!
Make this face...... And this face...... And this face..... And this face.... (Have children make different kinds of faces)
If you ever see a monster. Be sure to shout, BOOOOOOOO!!!!

5. Read second story Frank was a Monster Who Wanted to Dance, Go Away Big Green Monster, The Three Billy Goats Gruff, Too Many Monsters or Leonardo the Terrible Monster .

Monster, monster, turn around.
Monster, monster, touch the ground.
Monster, monster, reach up high.
Monster, monster, squint your eye(s).
Monster, monster, show your teeth.
Monster, monster, stamp your feet.
Roar! Roar! Roar!
Horns and Fangs (Sung to: "Head and Shoulders")
Horns and fangs, knees and claws, knees and claws, knees and claws.
Horns and fangs, knees and claws.
Eyes and ears and tail and paws.

Magalena Hagalena Ooka Taka Waka Taka Oka Moka Poka was her name.
She had 2 teeth in the middle of her mouth. (Point to front teeth)
One pointed north & the other pointed south. (Point 1 way, then opposite way)
She had 2 eyes in the middle of her head. (Point to forehead)
One eye was green & the other was red. (Put up 2 fingers, 1 at a time)
She had 10 hairs on the top of her head. (Put 10 fingers up on head)
Five were alive & five were dead. (Five fingers wiggle; five droop)

8. Craft: Wild Thing Paper Bag Puppet
Supplies needed: Paper bag, face shapes, glue, scissors.