Friday, November 27, 2009

Eeek! A mouse.

Eeek a mouse!
Age 2’s and 3’s, 4’s and 5’s

1. Storytime – Welcome Song
Storytime is starting, starting, starting,
Storytime is starting come listen with me.

2. Read first story A New House for Mouse, Or  Scuttle's Big Wish

3. Sing: Hickory Dickory Dock
Hickory dickory dock (run fingers up legs)
The mouse ran up the clock (run fingers up body)
The clock struck one (clap hands once over head)
The mouse ran down (run fingers down body)
Hickory dickory dock (run fingers down legs)
…the clock struck two (clap twice) - the mouse said boo!
…the clock struck three (clap 3 times) - the mouse said whee!
…the clock struck four (clap 4 times) - there is no more

Fingerplay: Five Little Mice
Five little mice came out to play,
Gathering crumbs along the way,
Out came pussycat sleek and fat;
Four little mice go scampering back
Four little mice came out to play
Gathering crumbs along the way
Out came pussycat sleek and fat
Three little mice go scampering back
Three little mice came out to play
Gathering crumbs along the way
Out came pussycat sleek and fat
Two little mice go scampering back
Two little mice came out to play
Gathering crumbs along the way
Out came pussycat sleek and fat
One little mouse goes scampering back
One little mouse came out to play
Gathering crumbs along the way
Out came pussycat sleek and fat
No little mice go scampering back

5. Fingerplay: Five Little Mice on the Pantry Floor
Five little Mice on the pantry floor
This little mouse - he peeked around the door (hold one finger 'crooked' like peeking)
This little mouse - he nibbled on some cake; (make eating motions with hand)
This little mouse - not a sound did he make! (make "shhhh" to mouth)
This little mouse - took a big bite of cheese! (make BIG biting motion)
And this little mouse - he heard the kitten sneeze!
ACHOO!!!! sneezed the kitten (yell achoo)
and SQUEAK they all cried! (yell squeak)
They found a hole and ran inside!!!

6. Craft: Mouse Finger Pupper
1/4 piece of grey or brown construction paper (or white paper colored or painted), 2 pink construction paper circles, 2 paper reinforcements or wiggly eyes, a tiny black or pink pompom (or bead or you can use marker to draw on a nose), a 6" or so piece of black yarn, holepunch, scissors, glue or gluestick