Thursday, August 9, 2018

Under the Sea with Whales

We have a whale of a tale for our fifth week of underwater fun!

We read:

Flounder Loves Ariel, by Cynthea Liu

I'm the Biggest Thing in the Ocean, by Kevin Sherry

The Circus Under the Sea, by Mairi Mackinnon

A Hole in the Bottom of the Sea, by Jessica Law

Have You Ever Seen a Smack of Jellyfish? an Alphabet Book, by Sarah Asper-Smith

For our craft, we made - you guessed it - whales!


- egg cartons
- pipe cleaners
- construction paper
- paint
- googly eyes
- glue

After we finished our craft, we had some fun sensory play with water beads!

We had a great time splashing in the *cold!* water beads, and squishing them in our fingers - oh boy, do they bounce!

As we catch up on some old blogs, don't forget to keep an eye out for Summer Reading Program updates!

We're a little over halfway through the summer - don't forget to bring in those reading logs!