Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Week 3 9-12: Magic

Week 3
Ages 9-12


We read the first chapter of a book by Roald Dahl called the Magic Finger. It was about a girl who could do magic just by pointing her finger! It went along very well with our magic themed week. 


For our craft today we made magic tubes. We were able to be magicians with this craft. Materials needed were tape, construction paper, scissors and ribbon. 


For our game today we played the sneaky magician. To play this game choose one child to be the magician. The child who is the magician must place an object close to them (we used a small ball). The magician must sit in the middle and keep their eyes closed. All the other players must act as thieves. The thieves are trying to steal the ball from the magician only one thief at a time may attempt to steal. The magician must sense with their eyes closed if a thief is near. The magician must stay seated as the thieves attempt to steal. The magician can tag people with their hands. If a thief is tagged they then return to their spot. If a thief is successful they become the next sneaky magician. 


For our snack today we had apples, carrots and snack mix (chocolate chips, cheerios, pretzels, and raisins).