Week 2
Ages 7-8
Since our theme was nature I thought it would be a good idea to read some books about people doing research in nature. The first book we read was Shark Lady: The True Story of How Eugenie Clark Become the First Most Fearless Scientist by Jess Keating. This was a great book how you should never make assumptions about something before you know the whole truth.
The second book we read was Compost Stew An A to Z Recipe for the Earth by Mary McKenna Siddals. This was a fun book that gave some ideas on all the things you could put in a compost.
The final book we read was Me...Jane by Patrick McDonnel. This was another book about reasearch in the animal field. This one was about Jane Goodall, it was a great way to end our nature themed storytime.
For our craft this week we made birds nests. To make the birds nest we used paper plates (cut in half), paper shavings, googly eyes, feathers, construction paper (to be the birds), and glue.
For our game this week we players berries and bears. To play this game there is one person who is a bear, that person stands in the middle. All the other people are berries. The bears are trying to eat the berries. If a berry is tagged by a bear, they then become a bear. The final berry is the winner and they then become the bear that starts the game and the cycle continues. There is a start and finish line that the berries must cross.
For our snack today we had bananas, and carrots.