Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Kindness Project: Random Acts of Kindness

For our third week of kindness, we devoted ourselves to committing random acts of kindness in our community!

All of our story time books have an underlying theme of kindness. This week we read:

But Not the Hippopotamus, by Sandra Boynton

The Very Kind Rich Lady and her One Hundred Dogs, by Chinlun Lee

Duck in the Truck, by Jez Alborough

One Bright Ring, by Gretchen Géser

How to Mend a Heart, by Sara Gillingham

Please Don't Tease Tootsie, by Margaret Chamberlain

Hug Machine, by Scott Campbell

For our craft, we decorated envelopes to hold our own ideas for random acts of kindness!

The we picked random acts of kindness off the board to take and do within the community! 
Some of the acts included: 
- write a thank you note to a nurse
- bring a candy gram to the fire department
- tape loonies to toys at the dollar store
- hold a door open for someone
- greet everyone you meet with a smile and a wave
- donate socks to a homeless shelter
- donate food to the Little Free Pantry
- write a letter to your grandparents

We had the Random Acts of Kindness envelopes up for the rest of our 6 Weeks of Kindness, and the kids added new ones, or took new ones as they wanted. What a wonderful experience!