Thursday, July 27, 2017

2-6 Week 1 Summer Reading Program

All about Canada!
·        What is your favorite thing to do in winter? How about in the summer?
The kids liked telling me what their favorite things to do were, the answers I received were pretty cute.

First book to read:
·      C is for Canada by Michael Ulmer

This was a fun books for the little ones! It allowed us to explore so many different things that we have here in Canada. 

·        What time is it Mr. Bear
I   How to play: What time is Mr.Wolf with the name changed. Have one person stand on the opposite end of the other participants, have the other 
The kids really enjoyed the game it was simple enough for them to follow along and they had lots of fun.

·        My Flag

Materials: 11x17 flag, red items (foam stickers, feathers, pompoms, petals), wax crayons, and glue.
  1. I had the children take a white flag 
  2. After taking the white flag, I had them decorate how they pleased, only using red items
  3. After decorating their flag the children took their flags home to display

The children enjoyed touching the different objects, they seemed to enjoy gluing on the different objects, and were quite pleased with their results. 

·        Cookies
·        Apple