2’s and 3’s, 4’s and 5’s
This is the way the elephant goes (clasp hands and move arms back and forth dangling)
With curly trunk instead of nose
The buffalo all shaggy and fat
Has two sharp horns in place of hat (point fingers out from forehead)
The hippo with his mouth so wide
Lets you see what is inside (open and close hands to make mouth movements)
The wiggly snake upon the ground
Crawls along without a sound (weave hands back and forth)
But the monkey see and monkey do
Is the funniest animal in the zoo (put thumbs in ears and wiggle hands)
You can hear the lions roaring at the zoo, ROAR ROAR!
You can hear the lions roaring at the zoo, ROAR ROAR!
You can hear the lions roaring, you can hear the lions roaring,
You can hear the lions roaring at the zoo, ROAR ROAR!
(Snakes hissing, bears growling, wolves howling, frogs croaking, zebras braying)
Read third story A Gold Star for Zog, The Underpants Zoo or Zoom
Fingerplay: Roar, Hiss, and Growl (to the tune of: “Did You Ever See A Lassie?”)
Did you ever hear a (lion), a (lion), a (lion)?
Did you ever hear a (lion)? It sounds just like this!
Did you ever hear a (lion)? It sounds just like this!
*continue with:
monkey = ooh-oohs, aah-aahs
hyena = hee-hees, ha-has
zebra = whickers, whinnies
bear = grumbles, growls
Craft: Zoo Book
Materials: Copy of zoo animals, construction paper cover, yarn, glue, markers
Colour and glue the covers on the zoo animals. Put book together using yarn.
Colour and glue the covers on the zoo animals. Put book together using yarn.
Idea from Teacher Vision
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