Friday, March 15, 2013

Letter R

Letter R-  Rabbits, rainbows, roosters, rainforests, rats, raisins, rain, red, rocks, rice, rockets, robots
View full image2’s and 3’s, 4’s and 5’s

Storytime – Welcome Song
Storytime is starting, starting, starting.
Storytime is starting, come and listen to me.

Nursery Rhyme Flannel board:  Itsy Bitsy Spider

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Fingerplay - Five Little Bunnies
View full imageFive little bunnies standing by the door,
One hopped away, and then there were four.
Four little bunnies sitting near a tree,
One hopped away, and then there were three.
Three little bunnies looking at you,

One hopped away and then there were two.
Two little bunnies enjoying the sun,
One hopped away, and then there was one.
One little bunny sitting all alone,
He hopped away, and then there were none! (Hold up open hand and bend down one finger with each verse.)

View full imageSong: Raindrops
Raindrops, raindrops! Falling all around (move fingers to imitate falling rain)

Pitter-patter on the rooftops, (tap softly on desk or floor)
Pitter-patter on the ground.
Here is my umbrella; It will keep me dry. (hands over head)
When I go walking in the rain, I hold it up so high. (raise hands in the air)

Pitter-patter, raindrops! Falling from the sky; (wiggle fingers to imitate falling rain)
Here is my umbrella To keep me safe and dry! (hands over head)
When the rain is over, And the sun begins to glow, (make a large circle with arms)

Little flowers start to bud, (cup two hands together) And grow, and grow, and grow! 

Craft- Rocket
Materials: photocopy of rocket cut out, black construction paper, cotton balls,  glue, markers

Glue rocket shape onto construction paper. Glue on cotton balls as smoke/exhaust.