Check out our blog "On This Day in History":
Our last Star Reader of the Week was Noah!
This week's Star Reader is Jackson! Congratulations!
Our last Book of the Week was "The Waiting Dog", a book that comes with its own warning!
Our fortieth Book of the Week is "Raccoon Tune", by Nancy Shaw.
"A family of mischievous raccoons rifles through sleeping people’s trash in search of treats.
June night,
Just-right-for-raccoon night—
Not too dark,
Not too bright,
As we look for treats."
And look, indeed, they do! A precocious family of raccoons prowls around the neighborhood, making a ruckus until they find a supper that’s truly “delish.”
This rollicking night outing, in lively verse and action-filled pictures, is sure to make the young reader laugh out loud." - Henry Holt and Co.
June night,
Just-right-for-raccoon night—
Not too dark,
Not too bright,
As we look for treats."
And look, indeed, they do! A precocious family of raccoons prowls around the neighborhood, making a ruckus until they find a supper that’s truly “delish.”
This rollicking night outing, in lively verse and action-filled pictures, is sure to make the young reader laugh out loud." - Henry Holt and Co.