2’s and 3’s, 4’s and 5’s
is starting, starting, starting.
is starting, come and listen to me.
Read first story Ernest, Horns, Tails, Spikes, and Claws, Ten Naughty Little Monkeys
Monster, monster, turn around.
Monster, monster, touch the ground.
Monster, monster, reach up high.
Monster, monster, squint your eyes.
Monster, monster, show your teeth.
Monster, monster, stamp your feet.
Fingerplay: Itsy Bitsy Monkey
Down came a coconut that bopped him on the knee [Drop fist from over head to hit yourself on the knee.]
Along came his Mama, who kissed away the pain [Kiss your fist.]
Then the itsy bitsy monkey climbed up the tree again [Climb hands again -having kids stretch as high as they can reach.
Read third story Go Away, Big Green Monster!, More, Two Little Monkeys, Making the Moose Out of Life
Song: Five Little Monkeys
Swinging in the Tree
Board Hickory Dickory Dock
Materials: Paper plate, scraps of construction paper in
different colours
Make a monster using different colour construction paper to
make hair, markings, and facial features.