We've had lots of fun this year in Gasp! Coming into the third month, and we've done plenty of cool games and activities!
So far we've played Jenga, Dominoes, Spinning Tops, Whack-A-Mole, Headbandz, MarioKart, and Guitar Hero: Legends of Rock.
We've watched: Pirate Camp, Bolt, and Robots.
We've made: Finger-painting collages, paper-plate pumpkins, Halloween finger puppets, and volcanoes.
Today we had a nice combination of activities. First we played with some Jenga blocks, then we went outside to paint snow (food coloring and water in spray bottles). Then we came back inside for snack, and played Headbandz, and to wrap up the hour, we had a singing/dancing competition.
Lots of fun!
G.A.S.P. (Great After School Program) runs every Thursday from 4:00-5:00 pm during the school year.